Global Business Travel Group Inc.

01/29/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/29/2023 11:51

Economic, Societal, and Environmental Trends Shaping Today’s...

The emerging work world sheds light on the immense value of people-to-people connections. With everyday office meetings replaced by virtual ways of working, many travel and meeting leaders are reacting to the strong desire to bring people together face-to-face. Yet identifying the next steps to build lasting connections requires a strategy. External factors like energy prices and decarbonization targets need to be considered when building out plans.

To help leaders plan effectively, we put together a webinar, "Three Travel Management Trends Driving Change in 2023,"that covers economic, societal, and environmental trends shaping today's travel programs.

Adapting well to trends and changes happening now can help build a resilient travel program that sustains business growth. Through the webinar, you'll learn how to:

  • Respond to rate increases on flights and hotels.
  • Create stronger connections among dispersed employees.
  • Turn organizational goals into actionable steps that make progress in sustainability and inclusion.

As you dive into greater detail, you'll explore:

Economic influences

Airfares on key routes worldwide are expected to climb largely due to macroeconomic and aviation industry factors. You'll find out more about the factors driving those increases and the strategies needed to maximize the return on your travel investment.

And just like airfares, hotel rates are rising. Business travel is still competing with vacationers while costs for staffing, energy, and food climb, resulting in hotel rate increases in key cities. The webinar informs you on sourcing strategies that can work to your advantage despite the rate hikes.

The dispersed workforce

There's an opportunity for travel and meeting leaders to take a more active role in creating stronger bonds between colleagues now that dispersed employees are becoming the norm. The webinar delves into recommended ways to improve connections while it also provides tips to address the need for work-life balance.

Environmental change

The path to net zero sets aggressive emission-reduction targets to meet and that can be challenging. Fortunately, you'll learn how to enact meaningful change that can benefit your business and your colleagues by viewing the webinar.

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