Statistical Office of The Republic of Slovenia

03/30/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/30/2023 02:44

Livestock number, detailed data, 1 December 2022

Livestock number, detailed data, 1 December 2022

Fewer cattle, pigs and sheep, more poultry and goats

About 14,000 fewer pigs and about 18,000 fewer cattle than a year before were bred on 1 December 2022. On the other hand, the number of poultry went up by about 674,000.

  • 30 March 2023 at 10:30
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  • final data
  • Aladar Belec, Aleš Stele
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  • Data inquiry
Fewer cattle than a year ago

About 465,000 cattle were bred in 2022. In an annual comparison, the number of cattle went down by about 4%.

The number of young cattle under 1 year of age decreased by about 8,000 (about 5%) to about 149,000. While the number of animals for slaughter (young bulls and young heifers) increased by about 11% (about 1,000 young bulls and about 1,000 young heifers), the number of animals for fattening decreased: of young bulls by about 7% (i.e. about 5,000) and of young heifers by about 5% (i.e. about 4,000).

The number of young cattle, 1-2 years, decreased by about 1% or about 1,000 animals to about 130,000. The number of breeding heifers decreased by about 6% over 2021. There were about 49,000 breeding heifers (i.e. 3,000 fewer), about 18,000 of them in calf (about 21% fewer) and about 30,000 others (about 5% more). The number of fattening heifers increased by about 14% (about 3,000 animals), while the number of bulls, oxen remained at about the same level as a year before, but with a negative trend (about 200 fewer animals).

The number of cattle over 2 years decreased by about 5% or about 9,000 animals to about 186,000. The number of breeding heifers in this category of animals over 2 years was about 18,000 or about 6% lower (about 1,000 animals), about 100 of them in calf (about 1% fewer) and about 1,000 others (about 22% fewer). The number of heifers for fattening in this category over 2 years increased by about 11%. Similar less numerous categories are also bulls for breeding, and bulls and oxen for fattening. The number of the former was about 1,000 or about 34% lower and of the latter about 6,000 or about 3% lower than a year before. However, it is important to know that this category is rather less numerous and a rather high index does not reflect the real changes in the number of cattle.

About 158,000 cows were bred on agricultural holdings, which is about 8,000 (about 5%) fewer than a year ago. Among cows, about 93,000 were diary cows (about 8% or about 8,000 fewer) and about 64,000 were other cows (about the same as a year before, but with a negative trend or about 200 fewer).

The fewest pigs since 1991

All agricultural holdings were breading about 202,000 pigs, which is a decrease by exactly 6% or about 14,000 animals over the previous year.

The number of pigs has been declining for a number of years. In 2022, it was the lowest since 1991. The number was the highest in 2002 when 656,000 pigs were bred in Slovenia.

A decrease was not observed in the category of 'piglets under 20 kg - total', where the number of animals went up by about 12% or about 5,000. In this category there were about 47,000 animals. The number of animals in the subcategory of suckling piglets decreased by about 2% (about 400 animals), while in the subcategory of other piglets it increased by about 27% (about 5,000 animals).

In all other categories, with smaller exceptions, a decrease was recorded. In the category of 'piglets 20-50 kg' the number went down by about 23% or about 9,000 animals to about 31,000.

In the category 'fattening pigs - total' the number of animals also went down over 2021; by about 7% (about 9,000 animals, the total number in this category is about 110,000 animals). The only increase in this category was recorded in the subcategory fattening pigs 50-80 kg by about 6% (about 2,000 animals), while the number in subcategories 80-110 kg and 110 kg or more declined; in the former by about 9% (about 3,000 animals) and in the latter by about 14% (about 8,000 animals).

As regards the number of 'breeding pigs (50 kg and over) - total', a decrease by about 6% (about 1,000 animals) was recorded. There were in total fewer than 14,000 breeding pigs in Slovenia, the fewest after 1991. The number was the highest in 2000 at about 68,000.

The number of 'breeding pigs (50 kg and over) - total' decreased in all numerically larger subcategories, except in the subcategory of saws mated, where the number went up by about 2% (100 animals more than a year before). The biggest drop was recorded in gilts not yet mated, i.e. by about 21% (300 animals). The number of mated gilts decreased by about 12% (about 200 animals). The number of saws not mated decreased by about 10% (about 400 animals). The number of boars (in the category of breeding animals the least numerous subcategory) decreased by about 5% (about 30 animals; there were in total about 500 boars).

More poultry than a year ago, above all broilers

The total number of poultry was about 7,199,000, which is an increase by about 10% or about 674,000 animals over the previous year.

The number of broilers (chickens for fattening), the most numerous category among poultry, went up (and this was the only increase among poultry). The annual comparison shows a 27% increase (about 1,070,000 animals) to about 5,023,000. In the same comparison, the number of hens (layers) decreased by about 17%, i.e. about 295,000 animals. A drop was also noticed in the number of other hens (spring chickens, cocks) by about 12% (about 84,000 animals; there were in total about 633,000 other hens). The number of turkeys also went down, but this category is much less numerous than broilers; there were about 9,000 or about 9% fewer turkeys than a year before. Their total number was about 95,000.

All other species of poultry (geese, ducks, guinea fowls, ostriches and other poultry) are numerically very small compared to the poultry total and do not have any significant impact on the poultry total.

The number of sheep down, of goats up

The number of sheep was lower than a year before. About 117,000 sheep were bred, which is a decrease of about 2% or about 2,000 fewer animals than a year before. The number of lambs and young sheep decreased by about 11% (about 4,000 fewer animals; there were in total about 28,000 lambs and young sheep), while the number of breeding sheep increased by about 2%. The highest increase in this category was recorded in the subcategories of younger breeding animals (those who by 1 December 2022 had not had offspring yet): milk ewes by about 93% and other ewes by about 55% (it is important to know that these subcategories are rather less numerous). The number of older breeding animals (those who by 1 December 2022 had already had offspring) decreased: milk ewes by about 7% and other ewes by about 8% (the last subcategory is the most numerous; altogether there were about 61,000 animals). In the category of breeding animals there were in total about 84,000 animals. At the same time, there were about 5,000 rams, which is about 3% more than a year before.

About 26,000 goats were bred, which is about 1% more than a year before. The number of goatlings and young goats increased by about 3% (about 200 animals) to about 6,000, while the number of breeding goats (about 18,000) remained at the same level as a year before, but with a positive trend (about 50 animals more). The biggest drop in the number of breeding animals was recorded in older animals (those who by 1 December 2022 had already had offspring): milk goats by about 7% and other goats by about 8%. The number of younger animals (those who by 1 December 2022 had not had offspring yet) increased: milk goats by about 40% and other goats by about 30% (it is important to know that these subcategories are rather less numerous). The number of he-goats increased by about 4% to about 2,000.

We are publishing final data on the livestock number in 2022, which were collected as of 1 December 2022 and do not essentially differ from provisional data. Tables with the latest final data on livestock number in 2022 are available in the SiStat Database.
Poultry, Slovenia, 1 December
1) Geese, ducks, guinea fowls and other.
Livestock, Slovenia, 1 December
2021 2022 2022/2021
number growth rate (%)
Cattle 482,619 464,908 -3.7
Pigs 215,713 202,148 -6.3
Poultry 6,524,981 7,199,237 10.3
Sheep 119,267 117,196 -1.7
Goats 25,684 25,955 1.1
Poultry, Slovenia, 1 December
2021 2022 2022/2021
number growth rate (%)
Layers 1,713,421 1,418,618 -17.2
Chickens for fattening 3,953,938 5,022,963 27.0
Other hens (cocks, spring chickens) 717,345 632,927 -11.8
Turkeys 104,038 94,542 -9.1
Other poultry1) 36,239 30,187 -16.7
1) Geese, ducks, guinea fowls and other.
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