International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

06/22/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/22/2021 14:36

Machinists Union Issues Statement of Support for NLRB Nominee David Prouty

WASHINGTON, June 22, 2021 - Robert Martinez Jr., International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), issued the following statement applauding President Biden's nomination of David Prouty to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB):

'On behalf of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, we thank President Biden for nominating David Prouty to fill the next vacancy on the NLRB. Mr. Prouty's bready of professional experiences make him particularly well suited for a position on the board.

'Throughout his long career as a labor attorney, Mr. Prouty has demonstrated his dedication to protecting the rights of workers in a wide range of fields. His commitment to the principles of workers' rights and advocacy, as well as his in-depth understanding of the National Labor Relations Act and organizing, make him particularly well-suited to be a member of the NLRB.

'It is important that the people who serve in a position to carry out the law have a real world understanding of how the Act operates on a practical level, as well as have an in-depth understanding of how the Act legal intricacies. Mr. Prouty began his career as an organizer for the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. Having this hands-on involvement as an organizer is a vital experience for someone who must enforce our laws governing how workers can exercise their rights to join a union.

'Mr. Prouty's experiences demonstrate his life-long commitment to protecting workers' rights under the NLRB. We are confident that as a Board member he will apply this same commitment to ensuring the faithful application of the Act to all.

'We enthusiastically support David Prouty to be a member of the National Labor Relations Board.'

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airline, railroad, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries. | @MachinistsUnion