
European Parliament

10/21/2021 | Press release | Archived content


Thursday, 21 October

Live coverage of debates and votes can be found on Parliament's webstreaming and on EbS+.

For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, including speakers' lists, can be found here.

Rule of law in Poland: vote on resolution

Following Tuesday's debate in plenary with Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki and Commission President von der Leyen, MEPs will vote on a resolution assessing the consequences of the recent verdict by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal. The draft text urges the Commission to apply the "conditionality mechanism" and to launch infringement proceedings against the government in Warsaw.

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The Pandora papers scandal: MEPs to demand urgent action

Plenary is set to adopt a resolution wrapping-up the views presented during the 6 October plenary debate. MEPs will list the most urgent measures needed to close loopholes that currently allow for massive tax avoidance and call on EU countries to address the matter swiftly in order to regain public trust.


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Parliament asks for ambition ahead of COP26

MEPs will push the EU and its member states to aim for an ambitious outcome of the UN Climate Change Conference to be held next month in Glasgow. The draft resolution they are set to adopt asks EU to continue playing a leadership role against global warming and work towards more stringent emissions targets.

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In brief:

New rules on insurance of motor vehicles. Following a plenary debate, MEPs are expected to endorse a deal with the Council updating motor insurance rules to ensure better protection and equal treatment of EU citizens involved in accidents or when insuring their vehicles.

Frontex accounts and its future budget. Plenary will discuss and vote to sign-off the expenses the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency for 2019. MEPs want part of its budget to be frozen until several conditions have been fulfilled.

The outcome of the Western Balkans summit. MEPs will discuss with the Commission and the Council the main results of the 6 October meeting with EU leaders and those of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo.


At 8.30, results from Wednesday's second voting session will be announced, on:

  • EU-Taiwan political relations and cooperation;
  • the EU's budget for 2022, and
  • amendments to texts on the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and EU transparency in the development, purchase and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, and the EU's strategy to reduce methane emissions.

The first voting session will take place between 9.45 and 11.00, where MEPs will cast final votes on:

  • the provisional deal on new rules on insurance of motor vehicles;
  • the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow;
  • EU transparency in the development, purchase and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, and
  • the EU's strategy to reduce methane emissions.

Following a request under rule 71 of the EP Rules of Procedure, plenary will vote on the decision by the Civil Liberties committee to open negotiations with the Council on two reports updating Europol's mandate.

MEPs will also vote on amendments to resolutions on:

  • the Pandora papers;
  • the rule of law crisis in Poland;
  • the situation in Tunisia, and
  • Frontex discharge.

The vote results will be announced at 13.00. The final vote on all those will be held from 13.45 to 15.00, with results announced at 16.30.


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