Iowa Farm Bureau Federation

01/20/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/20/2025 10:43

Guidance issued for climate-smart crops used as biofuel feedstocks

USDA directs how farmers can qualify for 45Z credit.

A U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) rule published last week provides greater detail about how farmers can reduce their carbon-intensity score for feedstocks used to make biofuels receiving the Clean Fuels Production (45Z) tax credit.

The USDA interim final rule is among several actions put forth in the final days of the Biden administration to clarify pathways for biofuel producers to qualify for the 45Z credit and the role of farmers in the supply chain. It will be up to the Trump administration to review and implement the 45Z rules, which officially took effect Jan. 1.

The USDA rule outlines practices for corn, soybeans and sorghum that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)...