NBPTS - National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc.

01/08/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/08/2025 17:22

A Tribute to Dr. Lee Shulman: A Visionary Leader and Passionate Advocate for Education

ARLINGTON, VA. - January 8, 2025

Today, we honor and celebrate the life of Dr. Lee Shulman-a visionary leader, a passionate advocate for education, and a dear friend whose impact on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (National Board) and the lives of countless educators cannot be overstated.

It's difficult to capture the breadth of Lee's contributions to education and his profound influence on my journey. Lee embodied the belief that teaching is a noble profession, one that deserves recognition and respect. He dedicated his life to elevating the voices of educators, and by establishing the National Board, he provided a pathway for teachers to gain the acknowledgment they so deeply deserve.

Lee and I shared a powerful partnership, united by our commitment to transforming the teaching profession. Together, we directed our energies toward the mission of the National Board, believing fervently that every child deserves access to exceptional educators. Our collaboration extended internationally, including our work in Israel, where we sought to understand and promote best practices in education across cultural boundaries. That partnership was a testament to Lee's belief in learning from one another and expanding our horizons-for we knew that the global community of educators shares common goals.

What I admired most about Lee was his unwavering dedication to the principles of equity and excellence. He understood that the key to improving education lies in investing in our teachers, and he worked tirelessly to ensure that professional standards reflect the dynamic, multifaceted nature of teaching. Lee had a unique ability to articulate the intricacies of our profession, reminding us all that teaching is not merely about delivering content; it is about nurturing minds, hearts, and futures.

One of Lee's greatest strengths was his ability to articulate the complexities of teaching. He reminded us that teaching is more than transmitting knowledge; it is an art form requiring deep understanding, empathy, and dedication. His vision for the NBPTS emphasized the importance of developing accomplished teachers who are reflective practitioners-those who continually improve their skills and adapt to the needs of their students.

Beyond his remarkable intellect and foresight, Lee was a person of great warmth and kindness. He possessed a genuine curiosity and an unwavering belief in people. He inspired those around him to dream bigger and reach higher-qualities that will echo throughout our work and communities for years.

As we remember Lee today, let us also commit to carrying forward the mission he championed. Let us continue to support and uplift educators, foster a culture of professional learning, and strive for equity in every classroom. In honoring Lee's legacy, we honor his vision of a world where all students have the chance to thrive, guided by exceptional teachers who see their potential.

Dr. Shulman's impact will resonate within the hearts and minds of educators for years to come. His vision, compassion, and unwavering belief in the power of teaching will continue to inspire us all.

Thank you, Lee, for your profound contributions, your friendship, and your inspiration. You will forever hold a special place in our hearts, and your legacy will continue to light.

Thank you, Lee, for your indelible mark on education and the countless lives you touched. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

~Peggy Brookins, NBCT

President & CEO National Board for Professional Teaching Standards