Bradley Schneider

01/12/2022 | News release | Archived content

10th News: A REcord-Breaking Economic Recovery

Congress kicked off the second session of the 117th Congress this week. I am excited to be back in Washington with the House voting on, among other bills, legislation to expand post-9/11 GI Bill educational assistance to reach more servicemembers trying to pay for college or other educational opportunities. In addition to the bills on the floor this week, I am doing everything I can to ensure the John Lewis Voting Rights Act gets to President Biden's desk as soon as possible.

Although I reviewed many of the accomplishments of the first session last week, it's worth repeating that in 2021 we passed two historic pieces of legislation: the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. While the benefits of the infrastructure package are yet to be realized, the ARP had a major impact.

In part because of the work of the Congress and President Biden, our economy is growing faster than at any point in the past four decades. On Friday, the Bureau of Labor announced that the unemployment rate fell to a historical low of 3.9%, down from 6.4% last January. Our economy added 6.4 million jobs last year, regaining 84% of all the jobs lost since March 2020. And JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon predicted this week the U.S. is headed for the best economic growth in decades, noting "the consumer balance sheet has never been in better shape."

The Congressional Budget Office had previously projected that unemployment would not fall below 4% until 2026. With the investments enabled by the American Rescue Plan, we were able to recover 4 years earlier than expected! Even with the Omicron variant continuing to spread, I am confident that President Biden's bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as well as the Build Back Better Agenda, will help us continue this recovery and get even more Americans back to work. At the same time, we have to take steps to fix our supply chains and reverse the recent inflationary trends. It's going to be a busy time ahead.

I also want to touch on the ongoing pandemic. Thankfully, the Omicron variant is turning out to have a lower percentage of really serious illnesses. But this variant is so transmissible that the number of cases is skyrocketing beyond previous peaks, resulting in far greater numbers of people being hospitalized than ever before. Even though it's a smaller percentage of cases, the sheer volume of cases and the consequent volume of hospitalizations are literally overwhelming our health care systems. We in Congress are working on ways to ease the pressure. And I am grateful so many more people are doing their part by getting vaccinated and boosted. If you aren't yet boosted, please do so - if not for yourself, for your family and friends.

Finally, be wary of fake COVID-19 testing sites popping up around the Chicagoland area. Before getting tested, double check the list of testing sites approved by the Illinois Department of Health to make sure your testing center is legitimate.

Keep reading for more information on what's going on in Washington and around the district.

What's Happening in Washington

Starting the Abraham Accords Caucus

The Abraham Accords have already made historic progress in changing the dynamic of the entire Middle East, and hold the hope for more steps toward regional peace. I am proud to be a founding member of the bipartisan Abraham Accords Caucus, which will further Congress's work toward ensuring a secure, Jewish and democratic Israel living side by side with a Palestinian state - with peace, security and prosperity for both peoples. I thank Senators Lankford, Rosen, Ernst and Booker and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers for their partnership in forming this caucus and I look forward to getting to work.

Read more about the caucus in Jewish Insider.

COVID-19 Update

While Lake County continues to lead the state in child vaccinations, cases continue to rise in the Tenth District and Illinois. The good news is that the booster shots are effective against the Omicron variant.

It is clear the booster shots are critically important to protecting against serious illness. Lake County Health Department Director Mark Pfister said that while cases are rising in Lake County, they are seeing much more mild symptoms in those who have been vaccinated. I encourage everyone to get your booster (or first shots) as soon as possible.

  • The vaccine is safe and effective. Currently, 95% of COVID-19 hospitalizations are people who are not vaccinated, and, tragically, 99.5% of all COVID-19 deaths are people who were not vaccinated.
  • All Americans ages 12 and up are now eligible for COVID-19 booster shots. As long as you are six months past your last Pfizer or Moderna shot, you can now get a booster by visiting your local doctor's office or pharmacy.
  • Be wary of fake COVID-19 testing sites, which are popping up across the Chicagoland area. Use the Illinois Department of Health list of approved testing centers to verify that the site you are going to is legitimate.
  • The vaccine is saving lives. So again, tell your loved ones, your friends, neighbors and coworkers, join the fight and get your shot!


Unincorporated Residents Eligible for Flood Insurance Premium Discounts

If you live in unincorporated Lake County, you may be eligible for up to $297 in savings per year on flood insurance policies. Through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Community Rating System (CRS) program, residents within unincorporated Lake County - who meet certain requirements - are eligible for up to 20 percent savings on flood insurance premiums

Contact your insurance agent for coverage information, pricing and CRS flood insurance discount information. You can also visit Lake County's flood coverage website for more information.

Long Waits For Passports: Look Before You Book

As more and more people get vaccinated, travel is starting to pick back up again. My office has received a major uptick in calls asking to expedite passport renewals lately. If you plan to travel internationally, remember to check the expiration date on your passport before you book your trip. It is taking much longer than normal to renew a passport, so make sure to plan ahead.

Check the passport website to get an idea of processing time -- expedited processing is now taking 5-7 weeks from submission to receipt, with regular processing taking 8-11 weeks.

At this point, expedited exceptions are only being made in case of emergency travel. In other words, apply now for that passport you will need for the trip you might take over Winter Break. Passports last for 5 or 10 years depending on what age you were issued your first passport.

Lake County: COVID Rental Assistance Programs Open Now

Lake County is offering rental assistance programs for those who face financial hardships related to COVID-19 and are struggling to pay rent. The deadline to apply for rental assistance in Cook County has passed.

Learn more and apply here for the Lake County Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

In Closing

In reflecting on the last year, there are many moments that stick out to me. But one I'll never forget is the outpouring of love and support when my Labrador retriever, JoJo, went missing last April. After over a week away from home, we reunited with JoJo after some help locating her in a Bannockburn stormwater reservoir.

So many of you went above and beyond the call to help us look for JoJo. I once again just want to say thank you to everyone who helped look for JoJo, who shared the search on your own social media, placed signs and who sent their positivity and good thoughts our way. You kept us strong throughout and helped us bring her home safe and sound.

JoJo's rescue even made the Daily Herald's list of "Top Animal Stories of 2021."


Bradley S. Schneider
Member of Congress