Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd.

04/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/04/2024 12:49

The Big Empty

A documentary telling the human stories behind Bitcoin adoption.   

→ The Big Empty

"The Big Empty" is a captivating documentary, showcasing the transformation of Spur, a city in Dickens County, Texas, through Bitcoin mining. This series explores Spur's transformation into a hub of innovation, highlighting the interplay between energy production, Bitcoin mining, and regional prosperity. Through engaging narratives and real-world examples, the documentary examines the environmental, economic, and technological impacts of Bitcoin mining in the area, from local job creation to how advanced mining technologies are putting small towns like Spur at the forefront of the digital economy.  

The story unfolds through the perspectives of diverse protagonists, providing a comprehensive view of Bitcoin's influence in rural Texas. The film captures the community's evolving attitudes toward Bitcoin, illustrating a shift from skepticism to optimism as residents recognize the benefits of mining. It portrays how our bitcoin mining facility, with its significant power capacity and minimal maintenance needs, symbolizes hope for rejuvenating the community. 

→ Watch the Film