Englewood Lab Inc.

05/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/10/2024 00:31

Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure)

Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure)
※ The information contained in this report is estimated, it is subject to change according to actual settlement.
1. Details of Business Performance
Classification(unit : Mil.KRW, %) Current Term Previous Term Amount Increased/Decreased Compared to the Preceding Period(Increase/Decrease Rate) Corresponding Period of The Previous Year Amount Increased/Decreased Compared to the Corresponding Period of The Previous Year (Increase/Decrease Rate)
(24.1Q) (23.4Q) (23.1Q)
Sales Amount 52,585 57,218 -4,633
46,030 6,555
Accumulated Amount 52,585 - - 46,030 6,555
Operating Income Amount 6,624 7,959 -1,335
5,559 1,065
Accumulated Amount 6,624 - - 5,559 1,065
Profit from continuing operation before corporate income tax Amount 9,040 5,725 3,315
6,096 2,945
Accumulated Amount 9,040 - - 6,096 2,945
Net Income Amount 6,617 3,019 3,598
4,653 1,964
Accumulated Amount 6,617 - - 4,653 1,964
Net Income Attributable to the Shareholders of the Parent Company Amount 6,617 3,019 3,598
4,653 1,964
Accumulated Amount 6,617 - - 4,653 1,964
- - - - - -
2. Details of Information Released Information Providers 경영기획사업부
Information Recipients 국내외 기관투자자, 언론, 일반투자자 등
Date&Time of Information Released 2024년 05월 10일(금) 공정공시 이후
Title and Place of Event held -
3. Contact Points Disclosure Officer (tel.) 조현철 대표이사(031-784-6528)
Disclosure Staff (tel.) 박익현 이사(031-784-6528)
Dept. Name (tel.) 경영기획사업부(031-784-6528)
4. Other references useful for making investment decisions - 상기 실적은 한국채택국제회계기준(K-IFRS)에 따라 작성된 연결재무제표 기준 영업(잠정) 실적임

- 상기 실적은 외부감사인의 회계검토가 완료되지 않은 내부 결산 자료로 외부감사인의 감사(검토) 결과에 따라 변경될 수 있음

- 상기 실적에 대한 자료를 공정공시 이후 당사 홈페이지(http://www.englewoodlab.com) IR 공지사항에 게재할 예정임

- 당사는 USD 기준으로 재무제표를 작성하고 있으며, 투자자의 편의를 위해 기간별 평균환율(출처: 서울외국환중개㈜)을 적용하여 원화로 환산함

1. 당기 당해실적 : 1,328.45원
(24.01.01~24.03.31 평균환율 적용)

2. 전기 당해실적 : 1,320.84원
(23.10.01~23.12.31 평균환율 적용)

3. 전년동기 당해실적 : 1,275.58원
(23.01.01~23.03.31 평균환율 적용)
※ Relevant Disclosure -