PT Timah (Persero) Tbk

12/26/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/27/2023 01:21

KUB Bintang Timur Bersinar Mukalimus Receives Net Assistance

KUB Bintang Timur Bersinar Mukalimus Receives Net Assistance from PT Timah Tbk, Fishermen Hope to Increase Catch Results

  • 26 December 2023


SAWANG -- The Sawang Village Mukalimus Fishermen Group which is part of KUB Bintang Timur Bersinar received net assistance from PT Timah Tbk. It is hoped that the net assistance at the end of 2023 will help fishing groups to increase their catches.

Previously, PT Timah had also handed over nets to the Sungai Daud Mengkuse KUB group, South Sawang Village, West Kundur District.

Chairman of the KUB Bintang Timur Bersinar Group, Arzani, expressed his appreciation for the assistance and attention that the company provides to the fishing community who are members of their group.

"I represent the fishermen from KUB Bintang Timur Bersinar to express my gratitude and am very happy with the assistance of these nets, we also feel helped in our efforts to increase catches," he said.

He said the net assistance would be distributed to ten group members. So that later they can catch fish with more adequate nets.

"Hopefully with this assistance, the economy of fishermen members of KUB Bintang Timur Bersinar can improve," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Sawang Satar Village Fishermen expressed his appreciation to PT Timah for the net assistance that the company had provided.

"Thank you again to the company that has helped the fishermen's needs such as these nets, hopefully with this assistance the recipients can maximize their catch so that they can boost the family economy," he hoped.

Likewise, West Kundur District Head Yusufian expressed extraordinary appreciation for the care and attention that the company always provides to the community, especially fishermen.

"Hopefully the fishermen can work well and with adequate equipment so that the results will be maximized and the family economy will also improve," he said.

According to him, PT Timah Tbk often helps people in their area. So that the benefits of the Company's existence are felt by the community.

"I think PT Timah is quite extraordinary in channeling its CSR to the community because quite a lot of people have received assistance and attention from the company and not just fishing communities. However, it is quite evenly distributed and has touched all levels of society," he said. (*)