Amnesty International United Kingdom Section

04/20/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/20/2023 10:08

UN must respect human rights while combatting antisemitism - letter

UN must respect human rights while combatting antisemitism - letter

20 Apr 2023, 04:35pm

Group of 104 organisations sign open letter urging UN to avoid flawed IHRA definition

Legitimate criticism of Israel's human rights policies must not be suppressed, they say

'The UN's adoption or endorsement of the IHRA definition would pose serious risks for Palestinians' human rights' - Heba Morayef

Amnesty International has joined a coalition of civil society organisations calling on the United Nations not to endorse or adopt a proposed working definition of antisemitism which has been used to suppress criticism of human rights violations by the Israeli authorities.

In an open letter, the 104 organisations have urged the UN to ensure its essential efforts to combat antisemitism do not embolden or endorse policies and laws which undermine human rights.

The UN is currently developing an action plan for a "coordinated and enhanced response to antisemitism rooted in human rights". As part of this, some UN member states have pushed for the UN to adopt the non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism proposed and adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Many experts on antisemitism and Jewish studies - as well as Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights groups - have challenged this definition, which has been used to stifle debate and criticism of the Israeli government's human rights record.

The definition is accompanied by a list of what the IHRA describes as "contemporary examples of antisemitism", but some of these are worded in a manner which has led to legitimate speech being labelled antisemitic. The letter highlights two of the examples:

"Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination; eg by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavour"; and "Applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation". The letter documents how these examples have repeatedly been cited, including by governments and universities, in false allegations of antisemitism aimed at critics of the Israeli government's policies towards Palestinians.

The coalition highlighted two alternative definitions of antisemitism which have been put forward since 2021: the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism by hundreds of scholars of antisemitism, Holocaust studies, Jewish studies and Middle East studies; and the Nexus Document by a task force affiliated with Bard College and the University of Southern California. These alternative definitions provide guidance surrounding the contours of legitimate speech and action around Israel and Palestine, and are less open to being misused to stifle debate and activism.
The open letter is addressed to the UN's Secretary General António Guterres and Under-Secretary-General Miguel Ángel Moratinos. Moratinos holds the post of High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and has a key role in monitoring antisemitism.

Signatories to the letter include Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, Palestinian organisations such as Al-Haq and Al-Mezan, Israeli organisations such as B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence, and numerous global and national Jewish groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and Jewish Network for Palestine.

Heba Morayef, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Director, said:

"Developing a comprehensive plan to tackle antisemitism around the world is of vital importance, but the UN's adoption or endorsement of the IHRA definition would pose serious risks for Palestinians' human rights, and for the right to freedom of expression globally.

"Over the years, the IHRA definition has repeatedly been instrumentalised to suppress legitimate criticism of the Israeli government's policies by falsely labelling it antisemitic.

"If the UN adopts or endorses the IHRA definition, it will embolden governments to restrict legitimate criticism of Israeli government policies, and stifle growing calls for an end to the system of apartheid Israel imposes on Palestinians.

"Branding fair criticism of Israel's human right record as antisemitic also undermines the fight against genuine antisemitism.

"We call on the UN to ensure that its vital efforts to combat antisemitism respect, protect and promote human rights."

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