City of Fort Worth, TX

07/01/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/01/2022 07:34

Stay vigilant for presence of emerald ash borer

Stay vigilant for presence of emerald ash borer

Published on July 01, 2022

The emerald ash borer, a devastating tree pest, continues to spread as Tarrant, Parker, Wise, Denton and Dallas counties now all have confirmed cases. The insect has infested and killed ash trees around the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge in the northwest corner of Fort Worth, City Forester Craig Fox said.

Texas A&M Forest Service continues to investigate cases across the region as the inevitable spread of the small, shiny green beetle takes off.

All species of ash are susceptible to the destructive insect, but trees like oaks and elms have not been affected since the borer was first observed in Michigan in 2002. Infested trees die within two to five years after infestation.

While Fort Worth's ash tree population once comprised 4% of the total urban forest, the deep freeze of February 2021 killed many of those trees, which were either Arizona or berlandier ash species, Fox said.

"There is no known stop to this epidemic," said Texas A&M Forest Service urban forester Courtney Blevins. "But we can help communities minimize loss, diversify their tree species and contribute to the health and resiliency of their urban forests."

Texas A&M Forest Service has resources available to help affected communities identify signs of emerald ash borer infestation and symptoms that trees may display, as well as make decisions about preventative measures they can take and tree management and removal.

Learn more online.

To report emerald ash borer, call 866-322-4512.

Photo:Emerald ash borer was unknown in North America until its discovery in southeast Michigan in 2002. Since then, the invasive pest has spread to 33 states, including Texas.

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