European External Action Service

05/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/17/2024 14:35




Muhtaram Jamshid Kuchkarov Janobi Oliylari, Bosh Vazir Oʻrinbosari, O'zbekiston iqtisodiyot va moliya vaziri,Janobi Oliylari, Xonimlar va Janoblar,

Hurmatli Yevropi Ittifoqi va Oʻzbekiston doʻstlari!

Bugun Yevropa kunini nishonlash uchun bizga qoʻshilganingiz uchun rahmat

Xush Kelibsiz!

© EU in Uzbekistan

Your Excellency Mr. Jamshid Kuchkarov, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear friends of the European Union and Uzbekistan,

Thank you for joining us tonight to celebrate Europe Day.

A very warm welcome!

On 9 May 1950, 74 years ago, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed to create the European Coal and Steel Community, for countries to share production of coal and steel to make war 'not merely unthinkable, but materially impossible'. Enemies during the Second World War became partners, creating an economic community which has gradually evolved to become the economic and political union, the European Union that we have today. Europe Day is a symbol of unity, prosperity and peace, based on principles of democracy and solidarity.

Today'scommemoration of Europe day is specialfor several reasons.

First of all, we are a few weeks from our European Parliamentary elections, due to take place in all EU countries. Since 1979, every five years, voters are electing directly members for the European Parliament. The members will be debating, participate in making decisions and representing people's interests with regard to EU law making, and ensuring that other EU institutions are working democratically.The Parliament being one of the major pillars of our democratic system, this is a key moment for Europe's democracy.

Since 1979, the powers and responsibilities of the Parliament have evolved, they have increased. Substantial legislative and budgetary power, gives the Parliament a say on where the European Union is heading. Let me therefore encourage Europeans present here tonight to use their vote and voice in the upcoming elections.

This leads me to my second point, which is that the EU continues to be attractive. 20 years ago, 10 member States, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia joined the European Union in the largest ever enlargement. Since then, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia have enriched the Union. And at the end of last year, we were happy to grant candidate status to Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and to announce the start of the accession negotiations with the latter two. The Enlargement is a choice for a joint destiny based on common principles, which is also an economic growth booster with a positive impact on economies, for both new and old members, bringing opportunities for people and businesses, for cooperation, co-creation, solidarity and shared prosperity. It is also a protection for the EU citizens, their interests and living standards.Thirdly,EU has shown its resilience, in a challenging and increasingly complex geopolitical environment with two wars around us.

Today, with the Russian war of aggression, the war is in Europe and Europe is responding by standing with Ukraine and its people. Together, the EU is ready to stand as long as it takes. This is a question of upholding core international principles enshrined in the UN Charter, which concerns all countries. Let me here express gratitude to our host for the continued fruitful cooperation on this matter, including on ensuring the respect of the EU sanctions. Together with partners we are already preparing for Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction. This is the only possible way forward.

In the meantime, in the Middle East, the Hamas terrorist attack has triggered excessive violence. Already seven months into the Gaza crisis, we are witnessing the unfolding of the worst possible forecast for Gaza, with almost entire population facing famine, the death of children due to starvation and around 40 000 people killed due to the conflict. The EU is continuing to push for peace, and recalls its longstanding commitment to a just and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the two state solution. As said by High Representative and the Vice President Josep Borrell a couple of days ago, "it is vital to restore a political horizon towards it. The EU stands ready to work with Israel, the Palestinian Authority and regional and international parties towards this goal".

And while pushing for peace, the humanitarian work also continues, providing basic needs in many parts of the world. This is also the case in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan's neighbour, which is not forgotten.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Our relationship with Uzbekistan is based on a strong partnership.

This year, we are celebrating the 30 years of partnership between Uzbekistan and the EU. The European Union has supported Uzbekistan since its independence and our partnership has grown and deepened, to become a multifaceted cooperation based on shared principles and interests:

Democracy and Rule of law, human rights, good governance, economic development and regional cooperation. Increasingly, we cooperate also on all aspects of the green transition and digitalisation.

On the political level, our relationship continues to flourish, with many high-level encounters held over the course of last year, and more planned. Over the past 8 months, we had Foreign Minister Saidov, Deputy Prime Minister Khodjaev and Minister Kudratov traveling to Brussels and Vice President of the European Commission Schinas coming to Tashkent.

Over the years we have supported economic development with a human centric approach, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. Better public services, more transparency, better access for all, including in the most remote areas. We see the wish for a human development, with "education, education and education", as President Mirziyoyev often says. Uzbekistan is a champion in the use of Erasmus and we are always pleased to see so much cooperation between so many Uzbek Universities with so many European Universities on variety of subjects.

We have deepened our economic ties, our support to the economic development and the last three years have been a true testimony for this. GSP + is known and used, allowing Uzbek exporters to benefit from the large European market. Trade is increasing but more importantly progress in the implementation of the 27 UN conventions, linked to the scheme, is happening. We congratulate the Uzbek Government in its acceptance of the recommendations from the Universal Periodic Review last year. These are important milestones and as the EU we remain ready to support the reform agenda.

We will also continue our support for Uzbekistan to access WTO, we see the enormous efforts to align on standards and we know this needs a time, but, as they say - as long as there is a will, we believe there is a way and we continue supporting that way.

One of the ways is - The Global Gatewaylaunched to invest in a more resilient and sustainable connectivity, between countries, markets, and more importantly between people. The Trans Caspian Transport Corridor as well as the Digital Team Europe initiative are joint efforts in support of the wish for diversification, as well as creating opportunities for more regional cooperation.

The recent signature of the Memorandum of Understanding on Critical Raw Materials is yet another sign of our joint wish to continue deepening our links, supporting Uzbekistan's economic development, for more European private investments, creating added value and jobs, here in Uzbekistan.

Our relationship has changed.

We used to support Uzbekistan with its agriculture reform only. We continue to do so, but today our partnership is so much wider, continuously sharing the knowledge and expertise on many aspects of governance, digitalisation, green transition, which we have from many European countries, agencies, civil society organisations, including private sector, Parliaments, but also UN and international organisations . Progress is a process. We all learn from exchanges and co-creations, and tonight, I take the opportunity to thank all of you for this.

Dear Friends,

As this is my last Europe Day speech here in Tashkent, allow me to use this opportunity express my sincere gratitude to all partners, in the government, Parliament, civil society, universities and more. You have all made my stay here intense, dynamic and deeply interesting and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Special thanks goes to my team and fellow EU Ambassadors and their teams, as this makes us a strong Team Europe.

Finally, I would wish to thank the Uzbek people for their hospitality, their friendliness, the sense of humour and their open hearts. An old Uzbek proverb says: Koʻngli ochiqning qoʻli ochiq, qoʻli ochiqning yoʻli ochiq. (An open heart has an open hand, and the way is open to those with open hands). This approach and attitude surrounded me during all my stay in this marvellous country.

Happy Europe Day!

Slava Ukraine!

Thank you.Katta rahmat