ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party

10/25/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/25/2023 03:26

D66 hold party Congress ahead of election

On 21 October, ALDE Party member D66held a party Congress in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, ahead of snap parliamentary elections in the country on 22 November.

The Congress was the first as D66 party leader for Rob Jetten, the incumbent Minister of Climate and Energy,who took over the political leadership from Deputy Prime Minister Sigrid Kaag in August.

Jetten addressed Congress outlining the party's view for the parliamentary elections and beyond, including the European elections due to be held on 6 June 2024 in the Netherlands.

Partijleider @RobJetten wil moedige keuzes voor klimaat en onderwijs, zei hij op ons verkiezingscongres in Apeldoorn.

- D66 (@D66) October 21, 2023

"Our optimism, our willingness to work together, is needed now more than ever. That's why I took a step forward. That is why I stand here as your new party leader," said Jetten.

"Change is possible. I see that all over the country. […] We know where we want to go: to a country with clean air in the regions and in the city. Where you feel safe, even if you live next to a river or behind a dike. Where farmers are no longer squeezed by supermarkets and banks.

"We stand in the progressive middle. We are radical in our thinking when innovation requires it. Moderate in action. Always willing to compromise, if that brings our ideals closer. Because in a country of minorities you always have to get along,"said Jetten.

Earlier in October, D66 members elected Gerben-Jan Gerbrandyas the party's lead candidate for the European elections in 2024.

D66 also confirmed their electoral list for the upcoming Dutch elections, led by Jetten. Jan Paternotte MP, D66 leader in the House of Representatives, and Hans Vijlbrief, currently the State Secretary for the Extractive Industries, were picked as second and third lead candidate.

This article is an informative update on ALDE Party members' recent activities. ALDE Party has not provided any financial support for the above activities.