City of Lewiston, ID

03/25/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/25/2024 01:25

Novelist Select

Finding what you didn't know you wanted, when you want it.

By Brittany Blackwill

There are so many literary options to choose from out there that it can almost seem overwhelming. At Lewiston Library we believe there is a book for every reader, but not every reader is for every book. One library staffer loves graphic novels; but me, not so much. I bet you're the same. Maybe you like a nice clean romance whereas someone else wants some with a whole lot more spice. There is nothing wrong with either of those options. The Lewiston City Library does its best to cater to everyone's reading styles and preferences. But sometimes, it isn't easy navigating the sea of literary options that are available and finding exactly what you want. Fortunately, we have just the tools you need to get just the book you want. Let me introduce you to Novelist through our Online Catalog.

Suppose you want a clean historical romance. You login to your Valnet account with your library card number and last name, and begin your search. You've read and loved Lauraine Snelling's 'Songs of Blessing' series and loved it. So you type in the title of the last book, From This Day Forward. Once you click on the title, it will take you to the book's information page in the OPAC.

Now look to the right. You'll see the heading Novelist Select. This is your ticket to finding amazing reads that fit your parameters and reading style.

Not only will Novelist Select give you the remaining titles in a series it will give you suggestions under the heading Similar Titles. When scrolling through Similar Titles, beneath each option is the 'Find It' button. When you find a title you might be interested in, simply click the button and it will take you directly to that book's info page, showing you which libraries have it available and give you the option to put it on hold.

Not too interested in the Similar Titles selection? Scroll down further and you'll find Similar Authors. Under this heading you'll see authors who are similar to your favorite author and brief description of what their writing style is like. You also have the Find It option under each other. By clicking on the Find It button, you will be redirected to an OPAC page filled with that author's works that are currently available in Libby and the Valnet system.

There are so many different ways to find just the book you're looking for and Novelist Select is just the ticket you need.