Welsh Government

04/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/16/2024 06:38

Decision Reports: 2024

ITSO Smart Card Ticketing Fees

16 April 2024

The Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport has agreed to continuing the Welsh Government's membership of ITSO for the provision of SMART card ticketing platform support for the period April 2024 to July 2025 at a cost of £248,304.

Appointment of Board Members to Commission for Tertiary Education & Research

15 April 2024

The Cabinet Secretary for Education has agreed to appoint Jeff Greenidge and Aaqil Ahmed for three years as Board Members to Commission for Tertiary Education & Research.

Approval of a new active substance, pydiflumetofen in Great Britain

11 April 2024

The Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs has agreed to the Health and Safety Executive exercising the decision-making function on behalf of Welsh Ministers on the approval of pydiflumetofen, a new active substance, for Wales.

Ciner Glass Limited - Grant & Investment Heads of Terms

10 April 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed that Welsh Government, supported by the Development Bank of Wales, enters into a process of negotiating with Ciner Glass Ltd, non-binding Heads of Terms for a funding package.

Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme - Subsidy Control Compliance March 2024

10 April 2024

The Minister for Climate Change agreed to the modification of the subsidy assessment for the Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) and to the retrospective provision of funding for local authorities and registered social landlords for projects submitted to TACP in 2023 to 2024.

Approved Inspector Oversight

9 April 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved removing the Welsh Ministers' designation of Approved Inspectors regulatory functions from the Construction Industry Council Approved Inspectors Register. The Minister has also agreed to designate the Welsh Ministers' Approved Inspector regulatory functions to the Building Safety Regulator.

Maternity and Neonatal Safety Support Programme

8 April 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services agreed the 2024 to 2025 funding requirements for the Maternity and Neonatal Safety Support Programme.

Antimicrobial resistance

8 April 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, the Minister for Health and Social Services, and the Minister for Climate Change have agreed that Wales should join the other nations of the UK in signing up to the UK Antimicrobial Resistance National Action Plan for the period 2024 to 2029.

School Health Research Network

8 April 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Minister for Health and Social Services and Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing agreed the funding of the School Health Research Network's work, for two financial years initially (2024 to 2025 and 2025 to 2026), with the option to extend for a further two financial years (2026 to 2027 and 2027 to 2028).


4 April 2024

In response to "The Transition from Education to Employment" report (2023) the Minister for Economy agreed that activity recommended for degree and higher apprenticeships is already being progressed and degree apprenticeships should remain fully funded by Welsh Government.

Annual Report on Equality 2023

4 April 2024

The Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice approved the Welsh Government's Annual Report on Equality 2023.

Appointment to Hybu Cig Cymru/Meat Promotion Wales

4 April 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has re-appointed Catherine Smith as Chair to the Board of Hybu Cig Cymru/Meat Promotion Wales for a further three year term, from 1 April 2024 and expire on 31 March 2027.

Fair Market Price advice

2 April 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to engage a third party to establish Fair Market Price for shares held in a private company.

International Soft Landing Programme

2 April 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed that the Joint Venture funds can be utilised to extend the International Soft Landing Programme.

Standing Orders for NHS trusts

2 April 2024

The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care has agreed an amendment to the Model Standing Orders, Reservation and Delegation of Powers for NHS Trusts following the establishment of the NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee and the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust obtaining university status.

New Velindre Cancer Centre

28 March 2024

The First Minister, the Minister for Finance and Local Government and the Minister for Health and Social Services have provided their approval for Velindre University NHS Trust to execute the contract for the design, build, finance and maintenance of the new Velindre Cancer Centre.

Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme evaluation

28 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd agreed to procure an initial external evaluation of the first three funding rounds of the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme.

Apprenticeship Allocations

28 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed the 2024 to 2025 Apprenticeship Allocations.

Decarbonisation of Further Education and Higher Education sectors using Financial Transactions Capital

28 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed that there is a very low risk of financial liabilities resulting from non-repayment of Financial Transaction Capital loans to the Higher Education and Further Education sector and, if they do occur, will be met from existing budgets.

Welsh Government Energy Service Delivery Plan 2024 to 2025

28 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved the Welsh Government Energy Service's draft delivery plan, a budget of £3.97million to cover the Welsh Government Energy Service's public sector decarbonisation activities (revenue) and approved a budget of £11.25million for the Wales Funding Programme (capital).

Phase 3 of the End-of-Life Care Funding Review

28 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed Phase 3 of the End-of-Life Care Funding Review.

Breakdown of planned Social Partnerships budget expenditure

28 March 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has approved the planned budget allocation, and expenditure, of the Social Partnerships budget of £892k for financial year 2024 to 2025.

Culture Grant Scheme for grassroot organisations

27 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism has agreed to the Culture Grant Scheme for grassroot organisations.

Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan

27 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed to extend the Community Mentors contract for an additional 12 months to 31 March 2025 at a cost of £30,000.

COVID-19 Inquiry

27 March 2024

The First Minister has agreed funding proposals totalling £4.625 Million to support the response to the COVID-19 Public Inquiry for 2024 to 2025.

Transforming Towns

27 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change approved Transforming Towns grant funding to Wrexham County Borough Council to support public realm improvements on High Street, Wrexham;

Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to support redevelopment of the former bingo hall site in Pontypridd; and

Pembrokeshire County Council to support the redevelopment of two properties on Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. Also, the Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Finance and Local Government and Minister for Economy agreed that match funding for the projects in Wrexham and Pontypridd can be sourced from the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund.

Transforming Towns

27 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Finance and Local Government and the Minister for Economy have agreed that Pembrokeshire County Council, Caerphilly County Borough Council and the Vale of Glamorgan County Council can use UK Shared Prosperity Fund match funding to support a total of 10 Transforming Towns projects.

Transforming Towns

27 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved the provision of Transforming Towns grant funding to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council to support redevelopment of the former Youth Offending Team building, Cramic Way, Port Talbot.

Childcare Offer for Wales

27 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Servies have agreed to fund the design and development of One Login functionality as the replacement authentication/identity verification service for the Childcare Offer for Wales digital service.

Velindre Cancer Centre

25 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has approved the Further Advanced Works agreements in relation to the new Velindre Cancer Centre.

Seren Academy

25 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed the plan of expenditure for "The Seren Academy" and the key deliverables for financial year 2024 to 2025.

Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd agreed to a £1,000,000 budget for 2024 to 2025 and the opening of the application window in February for funding round 4 of the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision reject the Farm Business Grant Window 5 claim as the business failed to submit evidence by 19 March 2019, the claim deadline.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision not to allow a one-year extension for a Glastir Contract to 31 December 2021.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to partially accept an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to recover payment of the Greening element from the 2018 Basic Payment Scheme.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to not pay 2019 Basic Payment Scheme for field parcels not claimed on the 2019 Single Application Form.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to deny Glastir Advanced payments for Option 100 (stock-excluded woodland) on four field parcels as no 'claim ticks' were made on parcels in the 'Field Data - Rural Development Claims' section of the 2020 Single Application Form

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to partially accept an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to recover Glastir Advanced Capital Works payments following an inspection carried out on 19 January 2017.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to reject a Farm Business Grant Window 5 claim, as supporting documents were not submitted by 19 March 2019.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to reject a 2019 Glastir Advanced capital works claim which was submitted after the closing date of 28 January 2020.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to partially accept an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to recover all 2012 to 2017 subsidy payments as the claimant did not have legal/management control over field parcels.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to recover payments and apply an over declared penalty under the Glastir Woodland Creation, Glastir Woodland Premium, and Glastir Woodland Management schemes following the completion of administrative checks.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision recover payments for Glastir Advanced Capital Works items Target Element 024 (TE024) "Re-stocking Broadleaves - All other sites" following an in-situ inspection.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to reject a 2018 Glastir Advanced Capital Works claim submitted after the closing date of 28 January 2019.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to reject a 2018 Glastir Advanced Capital Works claim submitted after the closing date of 28 January 2019.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to partially accept an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to recover 2018 Glastir Advanced Capital Works payments and apply an additional penalty.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to reject an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to apply a 50% Cross Compliance penalty to all schemes claimed on the 2020 Single Application Form.

Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments

25 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to accept the Independent Appeals Panel recommendation to partially accept an appeal against the Welsh Government's decision to apply a 50% cross-compliance penalty due to a breach of Statutory Management Requirement 4, Food and Feed Law.

Parents Connect Wales - Continuation of Funding

25 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed the continuation of funding for Parents Connect Wales.

Funding for Welsh Medium Childcare Qualifications

25 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed to provide funding of £528,000 in 2024 to 2025 and £1,108,800 in 2025 to 2026 to Mudiad Meithrin to support the continuation of Welsh medium childcare courses for qualifications for 100 Level 3 and 50 Level 5 learners via the Cam wrth Gam programme.

Appointment of Members to Social Care Wales

25 March 2024

The Minister for Deputy Minister for Social Services has agreed to appoint Abyd Quinn-Aziz; Aaron Edwards; Einir Hinson; Marl Roderick and Sarah Zahid as members for 4 years from 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2028 and Edwin Mutambanengwe; Katija Dew; Odosamawen Igbedion; Isobel Lloyd and Kieran Harris from 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2029.

Support for the delivery of the Welsh in education workforce plan

21 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh language has agreed funding to support the implementation of the Welsh in education workforce plan over two academic years.

Children in Wales grant

21 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed grant funding for Children in Wales for 2024 to 2025.

Research projects related to childcare and play

21 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have approved spending for research projects related to childcare and play in the financial year 2024 to 2025.

Research projects related to supporting families

21 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed spend for research projects related to supporting families in the financial year 2024 to 2025.

Commercial Arrangements

21 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to renew guarantee arrangements and invest share capital in relation to a company in South Wales.

Model Standing Financial Instructions

21 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the Model Standing Financial Instructions for the NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee.

Model Standing Orders

21 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed revisions to Model Standing Orders for Local Health Boards and new for the NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee.

Integration and Rebalancing Capital Fund

21 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services, the Deputy Minister for Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing have agreed to continue to ring fence Integration and Rebalancing Capital Fund funding from the Core NHS Allocations in 2025 to 2026 and 2026 to 2027.

Employer skills advisory services

21 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed funding for the financial year 2024 to 2025 to deliver the employer skills advisory services.

Building Safety - budget requirements

21 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed revenue funding for the Building Safety Programme for the next two financial years.

living wage foundation for Agenda for Change staff

21 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed a temporary increase to the minimum Agenda for Change NHS staff hourly rate to reflect the increase of the Foundation's living wage to £12 per hour.

Accounts Directions: Llais & Education Workforce Council

21 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed to the issue of an Accounts Direction for 2023 to 2024 and beyond to the Citizen Voice Body (Llais) and to the Education Workforce Council.

Unnos Delivery Programme

20 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed £124,320 to commission a review into the way new affordable homes and social housing are commissioned.

Cardiff Council grant to support nitrogen dioxide compliance

20 March 2024

The Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have agreed further grant funding to Cardiff Council to support measures to aid compliance with statutory nitrogen dioxide limits in the city centre.

Professional Fees of Parc Adfer Refinancing

20 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change Julie James, has agreed to provide a contribution of £150,000 to the professional costs incurred to date to support the professional work in relation to the Parc Adfer refinancing proposal.

Swansea Reusable Recycling Containers Funding Request

20 March 2024

The First Minister has agreed the provision of £2.2 million to support improvements to recycling services in Swansea.

Transforming Towns projects

20 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Economy & Minister for Finance and Local Government have agreed that Cardiff Council and Monmouthshire Council can use UK shared prosperity fund as their match funding for Taff embankment underpass art lighting scheme, Clare Street underpass improvements project, Lower Cathedral Road Park (Clare Gardens) project and Pop-up Monmouth project.

Higher Education Funding Council for Wales Remit letter

20 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales Remit letter 2024 to 2025.

Flood and Water Investment Programme

20 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed the capital and revenue programme for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management and Water Policy Delivery for the financial year 2024 to 2025.

Advice on Regional Integration Fund tapering and match

20 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services, the Deputy Minister for Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing have agreed to a longer term reconciliation approach to the match and tapering element of the Regional Integration Fund.

TfW Business Plan and Funding for 2024 to 2025

19 March 2024

The Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have agreed Transport for Wales' 2024 to 2025 Business Plan, a budget for TfW of £376.075million revenue and £181.612million capital, the extension of TfW's Corporate Strategy by one year, and planned land transactions to facilitate the delivery of the Core Valley Lines transformation project.

Allocation of Higher Education Division budgets and working practices

19 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to the allocation of £2.297billion for the Higher Education Division's Budget Expenditure Lines for the financial year 2024 to 2025 to continue to fund Higher Education (and some Further Education areas) in Wales.

Notice of Approval for methodologies of calculation

19 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed a revised Notice of Approval for methodologies of calculation of the energy performance of buildings, to demonstrate compliance with the Building Regulations 2010, and regulation 7A of the Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 in Wales.

Alacrity Programme

19 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to use the balance of the Alacrity Programme Seed Fund to invest into Streetwave.

A465 Heads of the Valleys (HoV) Dualling Dowlais to Hirwaun (Sections 5 & 6)

19 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Climate change has approved the publication of the draft Variation to the Side Roads Order (No.4) for the A465 Dualling Sections 5 & 6.

Establishment of the National Office for Care and Support

19 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Social Services has agreed actions to support the establishment of the National Office for Care and Support in Wales, to be formally operationalised from April 2024.

Children and Communities Grant

19 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed the allocation of an additional £5 million to the Children and Communities Grant and the issue of revised indicative grant offers to Local Authorities for 2024 to 2025.

Reforms to the extended producer responsibility system for waste batteries

19 March 2024

The Minister for Climate has approved the policy proposals for reforms to the batteries regime as set out in the draft consultation document, call for evidence.

Bus funding

18 March 2024

The Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have agreed to funding of £84,522,000 in financial year 2024 to 2025 which will help to continue to support the provision of accessible and affordable local bus services across Wales.

Natural Resources Wales

18 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved Natural Resources Wales' budget for 2024 to 2025, which amounts to £145,831,000.

Transforming Towns

18 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Economy & Minister for Finance and Local Government has approved Cardiff Council and Monmouthshire Council to use UK Shared Prosperity Fund as their match funding for the following Transforming Towns projects: £27,000 UKSPF to support the Taff Embankment Underpass Art Lighting scheme; £30,000 UKSPF to support the Clare Street Underpass improvements project; £60,000 UKSPF to support the Lower Cathedral Road Park (Clare Gardens) project, and, £128,560 UKSPF to support the Pop-Up Monmouth project.

Transforming Towns

18 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved Transforming Towns grant funding to: Wrexham County Borough Council to support the redevelopment and restoration of Queen's Square Library to enable the development of a new Creative Hub; Flintshire County Council to support the redevelopment of Rivertown Church in Shotton into a Community Hub; Pembrokeshire County Council to support the delivery of a new visitor centre, library and café at Castle Terrace, Pembroke; Carmarthenshire County Council to support the redevelopment of the former YMCA building in Stepney Street, Llanelli; and, Caerphilly County Borough Council to support the development of the new Park Lane (Ffos) Market, Caerphilly.

Natural Resources Wales

18 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to set NRW an annual budget (£33,080,000 for 2024 to 2025) to help manage its forestry operations on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate.

Funding for Special Schools

18 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language agreed additional in-year funding to special schools to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, particularly in light of a sharp increase in staff absences

Additional Learning Needs

18 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, and Minister for Finance and Local Government agreed the allocations of the Additional Learning Needs, Additional Learning Needs post-16 specialist placement, and independent schools' budgets in 2024 to 2025.

Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme

18 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved up to £3.475m funding in 2023 to 2024 for Newport City Council's St Andrew's Primary School Project.

Education in Healthcare Settings

18 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to publish the Welsh Government response to the recommendations set out in the Children's Commissioner for Wales report into education in healthcare settings.

Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence funding

18 March 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence final capital and revenue budget allocations for 2024 to 2025, the issue of grant offer letters to third sector organisations and local authorities; and a small capital over-programme of £161k.

Fisheries management

18 March 2024

The Ministers for Climate Change and, Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd and North Wales have agreed to the extension of the Government of Wales Act Section 83 Arrangement with The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science until 1 April 2027 to support the work on marine and fisheries.

Optimised Retrofit Programme Grant Allocation

18 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed £70Million of funding for the Optimised Retrofit Programme Year 3 2024 to 2025, to be used with existing partnered Registered Social Landlords and Local Authorities.

Taith - International Learning Exchange Programme

18 March 2024

The Minister for Education and the Welsh Language has agreed funding of £6.5million for financial year 2024 to 2025 to support the International Learning Exchange Programme (Taith).

Offender Learning Funding

18 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding for the provision of prison education, training and libraries in Wales for financial years 2023 to 2025.

Designated Landscapes & Countryside Access revenue and capital funding allocations

18 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change and the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd have agreed the funding allocations for on-going commitments and projects to support Welsh National Parks, National Landscapes and Access to Green Spaces for 2024 to 2025.

Employability and Skills Policy Testing Budget

18 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed funding to support activity in respect of the policy and testing budget within Employability and Skills for financial year 2024 to 2025.

Further Funding Allocation for TfW for 2023 to 2024

18 March 2024

The Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have agreed the additional revenue funding of £118.8million for rail services and £144.625million for rail capital, in addition to £308.466million to allow for a change in accounting requirements for new rolling stock.

Funding for post-16 programme(s)

18 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved funding for post-16 programme(s) of study at specialist Further Education establishments.

Housing with Care Fund - project proposals

18 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change approved £ £3,674,673 from the Housing with Care Fund for twelve schemes across six regions and £269,854 of capital resource costs for two Regional Partnership Boards.

Non-Domestic Rates and Freeports - Rates Relief and Retention Guidance

18 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed to the publication of non-domestic rates policy guidance documents for Freeports.

Funding Wales' National Resilience Capabilities

18 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Social Partnership has agreed to pay grant funding of up to £2million revenue and £1.25million capital to the three Fire and Rescue Authorities for the maintenance and development of Wales' National Resilience capabilities in 2024 to 2025.

Setting the Welsh Red Meat Levy Rates

18 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed the Welsh Red Meat Levy Rates for 2024 to 2025.

Funding for tax forecasts

18 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed the transfer of funding to the Office for Budget Responsibility (via HM Treasury) for the production and publication of independent tax forecasts in 2024 to 2025 to accompany the Welsh Government Budget.

Cardiff Bus Interchange - Fit Out Costs

18 March 2024

The Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have agreed to award an additional £1million of capital grant funding to Transport for Wales to enable them to complete the final 'fit out' works at Cardiff Bus Interchange within financial year 2023 to 2024.

Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme - re-prioritisation of capital funding

14 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed the re-prioritisation of up to £35m of capital funding form housing and regeneration budgets to support the delivery of further projects via the Transitional Accommodation Capital programme to help reduce pressures on temporary accommodation.

Membership to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Industrial Liaison Programme

14 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed the renewal and associated costs of the Welsh Government membership of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Industrial Liaison Programme for the period 2024 to 2027.

Consultation on potential Strategic Resource Areas for marine planning

14 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed the contents and publication of a consultation on potential Strategic Resource Areas for Tidal Stream Energy.

Rail Fibre Commercialisation

14 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to an Financial Transaction Capital funding award to Transport for Wales Fibre to enable to the commercialisation of surplus telecommunications fibre capacity on the Core Valley Lines.

Reappointment to the Welsh language Commissioner's Advisory Panel

14 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to reappoint Rona Aldrich, Gwyn Williams and Elin Maher to the Advisory Panel to the Welsh Language Commissioner for a further 3 year period from 1 April 2024 onwards.

Business in the Community (BITC) Strategic Relationship - 2024 to 2025

14 March 2024

The Minister for Economy and Minister for Social Justice have agreed to continue the strategic relationship with Business in the Community and approved expenditure to enable BITC to promote and encourage responsible business practices.

Future Proofing Fund

14 March 2024

The Economy Minister and Minister for Finance and Local Government have approved the operational delivery of the £20million Future Proofing Fund and the planned approach for post completion monitoring and funding.

Business Wales Marketing

14 March 2024

The Minister for Economy and the Minister for Finance & Local Government have approved a funding request in 2024 to 2025 to support market activity, including agency related costs to promote Business Wales services and support startups, entrepreneurs SMEs and micro businesses.

Unnos Delivery Programme

14 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed £246,000 to support with the delivery of social and affordable housing through the provision of additional designs, a communications plan, and an awareness of the costs and training associated with delivering pattern book designs.

Unnos Delivery Programme

14 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed £222,000 to facilitate additional action on empty homes.

International Relations budget allocations

14 March 2024

The First Minister has agreed the budget allocations for the International Relations Division for 2024 to 2025.

Le Petit Prince book

14 March 2024

The First Minister has agreed the project to provide French-Welsh copies of the French children's story, Le Petit Prince to all schools in Wales.

Evaluation of the Optimised Retrofit Programme and Welsh Quality Housing Standard 2023

13 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to an external commission to evaluate the Optimised Retrofit Programme and Welsh Quality Housing Standard 2023.

Tax Policy External Review

13 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed to a short procurement exercise to conduct an external review of the Welsh Government's approach to developing tax policy.

Recruitment into Initial Teacher Education Marketing Campaign 2024 to 2025

13 March 2024

The Minster for Education and Welsh Language and the Minister for Finance and Local Government have agreed funding for the Teaching Wales marketing campaign.

Llanelli Waterside Joint Venture

13 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to formally terminate the lapsed Joint Venture at Llanelli Waterside.

Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

13 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed an approach to managing Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in Welsh waters during 2024.

Residential buildings pathway for Carbon Budget 3

13 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed £70,000 of funding to procure analytical capacity to model the residential building pathway for carbon budget 3.

GB Mandatory Classification and Labelling (MCL) recommendations and consent

13 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to give consent to recommendations made by the Health and Safety Executive, acting in their role as GB Agency, to revise the GB Mandatory Classification and Labelling list for 25 substances and provides consent to the proposed date with which the new or revised GB MCL requirements must be complied.

Supporting the promotion of Wales

12 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved funding to support the promotion of Wales as a location for inward investment.

Planning permission

12 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has granted planning permission, subject to conditions for a Development of National Significance for a proposed development of a wind farm of up to 8 turbines and associated infrastructure at land to the west of Abertillery, Blaenau Gwent.

Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme - February Variations

12 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language approved the recommendations made by the Sustainable Community for Learning Programme's Education Investment Panel in February with respect to variation requests for the Ebbw Fawr primary school project in Blaenau Gwent, and the new teaching block project at St David's Catholic College; and two projects funded under the Welsh medium capital grant for the new trochi provision at Morgan Llwyd in Wrexham and the Cwm Derwen project in Caerphilly.

Provision of Equity Funding

12 March 2024

The Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have agreed provision of equity funding to be released in two tranches in relation to a rail related project in South Wales.

Bus Network Grant

12 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have agreed funding of £39million through the Bus Network Grant for 2024 to 2025 to local authorities to fund and secure bus services across Wales that will not be able to be operated commercially from when the Bus Transition Fund ends on 31 March 2024.

Tertiary Education

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved funding for the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research Implementation Programme.

Appointment of Trustees to Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales

11 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism has appointed David Jones and Jan Williams as Trustees to Amgueddfa Cymru for 4 years from 9 February 2024 to 8 February 2028.

Health board exemptions

11 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed exemptions to the requirement for health boards to implement National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and All Wales Medicines Strategy Group recommendations within two months in specified circumstances.

National Library of Wales

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy and the Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism has agreed to the additional revenue funding for the National Library of Wales.

HEFCW remit letter

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to additional funding being made part of the refreshed HEFCW remit letter for 2023 to 2024.

Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language approved the recommendations made by the Sustainable Community for Learning Programme's Education Investment Panel in February regarding business cases for capital funding for a new VA school build (Ysgol Ein Harglwyddes) and refurbishment of a community primary school (Ysgol Hirael) in Gwynedd; the new Court Special Schools in Cardiff, and approvals to proceed with investment cases for two primary schools in Caerphilly and investment in the Rhos on Sea campus at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

Housing with Care Fund

11 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change approved £20,501,349 funding from the Housing with Care Fund for eighteen schemes in seven regions.

Funding for post-16 programme(s)

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved funding for post-16 programme(s) of study at specialist Further Education establishments.

Recruitment of Board Members to Life Science Hub Wales

11 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to the recruitment of Chair and a Welsh speaking non-executive director to the Life Sciences Hub Wales.

Funding for additional HiVE hubs in the Northern Valleys

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed funding to purchase equipment for additional HiVE hubs in secondary schools in the Northern Valleys.

Non-domestic rates review of reliefs - procurement

11 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed to a procurement exercise to undertake a review of non-domestic rates reliefs.

Trade & Invest/Export, Visit Wales and Cymru Wales Campaign Delivery

11 March 2024
The Minister for Economy has approved funding to implement campaign delivery including media buying for Cymru Wales brand marketing.

Planned expenditure of the Careers Policy budget

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed the planned activities which will result in the expenditure of £100,000 from the Careers Policy budget for 2024 to 2025.

Further work on leadership development in Wales

11 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed for Academi Wales to undertake limited and specific further work on leadership development activities and structures following the recent conclusion of the options appraisal pertaining the National School for Government in Wales.

Careers Wales/ Working Wales funding allocation

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed a total resource budget allocation of £22.935million to CCDG Ltd for the 2024 to 2025 Financial Year. This Minister also agreed a budget allocation of £9.28million to support the delivery of the Working Wales service.

Jobs Growth Wales+ Funding Allocation 2023 to 2024

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to use an underspend of EU funding under the European Social Fund of £2.5million for the Jobs Growth Wales + Programme.

Business Wales Contracted Delivery

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved expenditure for the Business Wales service for delivery from 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2025.

Authority to consult on changing rules for certain hybrid wheat varieties

11 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to a joint England and Wales targeted consultation taking place to gauge the level of interest in changing statutory rules for certain hybrid wheat varieties. Subject to the consultation responses, the Minister also agreed for legislation to be drafted which would exempt authorised persons from complying with certain requirements in the Seed Marketing (Wales) (Regulations) 2012.

Allocation of funding to support teacher development

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed the allocation of funding to support teacher development for 2024 to 2025.

Wales' participation in Employer Skills Survey 2024 and wider 2024 to 2025 Labour Market Intelligence spend

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy agreed that Wales should confirm its participation in the Employer Skills Survey 2024 at a cost of up to £300,000 in 2024 to 2025 and that remaining 2024 to 2025 Labour Market Intelligence funding of £35,000 will be used to access vacancy data and fund further policy relevant thematic analysis from existing research already invested in.

Changes to dietary advice on feeding young children

11 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing has agreed the changes to the dietary advice on feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years.

Funding for post-16 programme(s)

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved funding for post-16 programme(s) of study at specialist Further Education establishments.

Revised Young Person's Guarantee funding

11 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved the revised funding for Young Person's Guarantee in 2024 to 2025.

Transforming Towns - Dyfed Road Leisure Centre, Neath and Pentrebane Street, Caerphilly

11 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved grant funding to Neath Port Talbot Council to support the demolition of the former leisure centre on Dyfed Road, Neath, to enable redevelopment and Caerphilly County Borough Council towards the redevelopment of Pentrebane Street, Caerphilly.

Welsh Fisherman's Association Funding

11 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to continue funding the Welsh Fisherman's Association for 2024 to 2025 at a reduced cost of £130,896.

Health Education and Improvement Wales Core Allocation

11 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the 2024 to 2025 Health Education and Improvement Wales Core Allocation.

Sustainable Land Management Duty - Rural Schemes

11 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales & Trefnydd has agreed continuation of Rural Investment Schemes best contributes to achieving the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) objectives, as defined by the Agricultural (Wales) Act 2023.

Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved the amended Memorandum of Understanding between The Welsh Government and His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service which agrees the delivery of education, training and library service provision within the prison estate in Wales.

Re-appointment of the chair and members of the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to the re-appointment of Sharron Lusher as Chair and Steve Wilks, Simon Brown and John Greystone as members of the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body for a term of 5 years.

Appointment of members to the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body

11 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh language has agreed the appointment of Annmarie Thomas, Saleha Wadee and Gareth Morgans to the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body for a term of 5 years.

Variations to Torfaen Council's legacy Vibrant and Viable Places (VVP) Programme

11 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved Torfaen County Borough Council's request to use recycled funding to extend the Pontypool Investment Fund and The British site by two years to 31 March 2026 and to repurpose £154,886 from other legacy VVP projects to the Pontypool Investment Fund.

Funding for Tackling Poverty and the Cost of Living Crisis

6 March 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed allocations totalling £1.38million in 2023 to 2024 and £4.444million in 2024 to 2025 to support activities relating to the cost of living, poverty and the Child Poverty Strategy.

Bwndeli Babi

6 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Social Services has agreed to the development and delivery of the Bwndel Babi Programme on a targeted geographical basis.

Extension of Interim Environmental Protection Assessor for Wales

6 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed the extension of Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones as Interim Environmental Protection Assessor for Wales until 28 February 2025.

Attainment Champions evaluation and next steps

6 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to extend the Attainment Champions pilot for a further 12 months commencing from September 2024. This represents a financial contribution of £172,916 incurred in 2024 to 2025 and £82,084 in 2025 to 2026.

Personal Learning Accounts - Targeted Intervention Tata

6 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed a new £2million Targeted Intervention Personal Learning Account for individuals employed at Tata and the wider impacted supply chain for the remainder of 2023 to 2024 academic year.

Changes to the ReAct+ programme

6 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved the revised ReAct+ programme with effect from 1 April 2024.

Semiconductor landing space - building acquisition and initial works

6 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed funding for the acquisition of a building and initial works to provide specialist accommodation for the semiconductor sector.

Winter Fuel support for Gypsy Roma Travellers

6 March 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip agreed to provide £290,000 to deliver winter fuel support to Gypsy Roma Traveller communities.

Investment Panel Meeting of 23 January 2024

5 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed Economy Futures Funding for a project in Carmarthenshire.

Opportunity to repurpose Covid-19 Point of Care Testing Equipment

5 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the recommendation to repurpose Covid-19 Point of Care testing equipment to allow it to be utilised in other settings to test for other respiratory illness and conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Financial support Airbus Endeavr Wales

5 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved £400,000 to fund 2024 Endeavr activities.

Farnborough Airshow 2024 - Wales Pavilion

5 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved funding to deliver a Wales pavilion stand at Farnborough Airshow 2024.

Industry Wales Funding Letter

5 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has issued Industry Wales with its 2024 to 2025 Funding Letter.

National Forest new sites Jan 2024

5 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed a further 7 non-Welsh Government owned woodland sites to join the National Forest for Wales network.

Minority Ethnic and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller funding

5 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved the 2024 to 2025 annual Minority Ethnic and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller funding for local authorities.

Medium and High-Rise Residential Buildings Remediation Capital Grant

5 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to the allocation of £356,100 for the 2023 to 2024 financial year for two social sector, medium and high rise residential building fire safety remediation projects.

Appointment of a Chair to the Clean Air Advisory Panel for Wales

5 March 2024

The Deputy Minister for Climate Change has appointed Professor Paul Lewis for two years from 26th February 2024 to 24th March 2026.

Standards for Competency Assurance of Non-Medical Prescribers in Wales

5 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to the Standards for Competency Assurance of Non-Medical Prescribers in Wales.

Education Research Budget

5 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed allocations totalling £ 0.706million in 2024 to 2025 to continue to fund initiatives to embed the National Strategy for Educational Research and Enquiry.

Sponsorship of the Shellfish Association of Great Britain conference 2024

5 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to sponsor the Shellfish Association of Great Britain conference 2024 up to the value of £7,000.

Crab and Lobster Fisheries Management Plan Stakeholder Engagement

4 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to commission Seafish to undertake the Crab and Lobster Fisheries Management Plan pre-drafting stakeholder engagement to the value of £10,400.

Proposed professional learning expenditure for 2024 to 2025

4 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed allocations totalling £4.708million in 2024 to 2025 to support professional learning activities for practitioners.

Funding for the Digital Communities Wales procured digital inclusion and health programme

4 March 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed to increase the Social Justice funding for Financial Year 2024 to 2025 to allow Digital Communities Wales to deliver the contract against the original £2million per annum value.

Final Local Government Revenue and Capital Settlement

4 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed the final Local Government settlement 2024 to 2025.

Final Police Settlement

4 March 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed the Police Settlement for 2024 to 2025.

Procurement of the next 'Active Travel Promotion in Schools' programme

4 March 2024

The Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change have approved procurement of a contract for delivery of an Active Travel Promotion in Schools programme to commence on 1 April 2024.

Executive and Senior Posts pay award

4 March 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to the pay award for staff on Executive and Senior Posts for 2023 to 2024.

Registered Social Landlord Development Loans

4 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change and the Minister for Finance and Local Government have approved a Registered Social Landlord Loan Scheme which will deliver additional low carbon homes for rent in the social sector.

International Education Programme

4 March 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed allocations totalling £0.524million in 2024 to 2025 to support the International Education Programme.

Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport & International Relations Committee Report

4 March 2024

The Minister for Economy, Minister for Education & Welsh Language, Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism and First Minister have agreed the response to the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport & International Relations Committee in respect of their Report - Scrutiny of the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024 to 2025.

Homelessness Support and Prevention Final Allocations

4 March 2024

The Minister for Climate Change and the First Minister have agreed the final budget allocations from the Homelessness Support and Prevention for 2024 to 2025.

Border Controls Programme Funding 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025

4 March 2024

The Minister for Economy and the Minister for Finance and Local Government have approved continuing the Borders Programme and the construction of a Border Control Post at Holyhead, as well as continuing to review options at Pembrokeshire whilst progressing the Full Business Case and initial development work.

Funding Seafish Industry Engagement Manager

4 March 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to contribute to the role of Seafish Industry Engagement Manager Wales to the value of £20,000 in each of 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025 financial years.

Business Wales Digital - 2024 to 2025

4 March 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved £2,750,000 (including VAT) expenditure for future development and delivery of digital and business support and information systems.

Wales Environment Link funding

29 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed funding for Wales Environment Link to undertake a programme of stakeholder engagement to inform the development of biodiversity targets in Wales of up to £20,000 for 2023 to 2024 and up to £80,000 for 2024 to 2025.

Additional capital funding for Welsh Revenue Authority

29 February 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed to grant additional capital spend for the Welsh Revenue Authority up to £80,000 for the current financial year 2023 to 2024 for the purchase of essential replacement IT equipment.

Animal Welfare Plan for Wales Progress Reports

29 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to publish progress reports for Year 1 and Year 2 of the Animal Welfare Plan for Wales.

Funding for 2024 young carers festival and in-person MAG meeting

29 February 2024

The Deputy Minister for Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing have agreed funding for the 2024 young carers festival and an in-person Ministerial Advisory Group meeting.

Pupil Development Grant and School Essentials Grant

29 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to the proposed funding allocations for both the Pupil Development Grant and the School Essentials Grant in 2024 to 2025.

Appointments to Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

29 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has appointed Clare Budden, Christopher Field, Karen Balmer and Rhian Jones as Independent Member for 4 years from 01/03/2024 to 29/02/2028.

Basic Income for Care Leavers in Wales Pilot Financial Advice funding

29 February 2024

The Minister for Social Justice, and Chief Whip has agreed funding for the delivery of financial advice for young people taking part in the Basic Income for Care Leavers in Wales Pilot for financial year 2024 to 2025.

Masters in Education

28 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding of the National Masters in Education (Wales) for 2024 to 2025.

Design and costing of 3 new water mains at Bro Tathan

28 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved the appointment of consultants to advise on infrastructure works at Bro Tathan.

Separation of Services between Welsh Government and MOD owned land at Bro Tathan

28 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved the appointment of consultants at Bro Tathan.

Seafish Board appointments and reappointments

27 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to the reappointment of Jeff Halliwell, David Brooks, Graham Black, Heather Jones and Nathan de Rozarieux and to a campaign to advertise for two new industry representatives to sit on the Seafish board.

The continuation of the work of the Disability Rights Taskforce

27 February 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed to support the operational costs for the Disability Rights Taskforce team through to May 2025.

Procurement of research for ten Year Animal Health and Welfare Strategy

27 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed spend up to £50k to procure a contractor to conduct research on a new Animal Health and Welfare Strategy for Wales.

National Minimum Allowance for Foster Carers

27 February 2024

The Deputy Minister for Social Services has agreed the rates for the National Minimum Allowance for Foster Carers for 2024 to 2025.

Duty to report transplant related crimes under the Human Tissue Act

27 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed to regulations being made by the Secretary of State under powers conferred by the Human Tissue Act 2004 relating to reporting a suspicion of offences under human tissue and modern slavery legislation.

SHELL Digital Solutions Team ICT Services and Funding

27 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed funding of £1.242million for financial year 2024 to 2025 to support the annual costs for ICT Services, including programme staff for Employability and Skills.

Written Evidence Paper

27 February 2024

The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport & Tourism has agreed the Written Evidence Paper - Impacts of UK Exit from the EU on the Cultural Sector.

Remit and Funding Letters for Cwmni Egino

26 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to transitional funding and adjustments to the Cwmni Egino Board and it's Executive team to secure project continuity and corporate knowledge.

Funding for Science and Maths Support Programmes for Schools

26 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved advice in relation to funding of £852,798 for science and maths support programmes for schools in the 2024 to 2025 financial year.

Investment Panel Meeting of 16 January 2024

26 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed Economy Futures Creative Production Funding for a project in Newport across South Wales.

Core Funding Allocation for Digital Health and Care Wales

22 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the 2024 to 2025 Digital Health and Care Wales Core Allocation and Primary Care Information Management and Technology Budget.

Health and Social Services - 2nd Supplementary Budget

22 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Minister for Social Services, Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing and the Minister for Finance and Local Government have agreed the Health and Social Services Main Expenditure Group Second Supplementary Budget for 2023 to 2024.

Application to Peace Plus programme

22 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to the submission of a Welsh Government application to the EU's Peace Plus cross-border programme.

Application to the Privy Council by Cardiff Metropolitan University

22 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to recommend that an application to the Privy Council by Cardiff Metropolitan University to amend its Instruments and Articles of Government is approved.

Estyn Thematic Report on Attendance

22 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed the response to the recommendations in the Estyn report on improving attendance in secondary schools.

Land for Housing Scheme - Round 2

22 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change and First Minister have agreed the loan applications under the Land for Housing Scheme 2023 to 2024.

Land for Housing 2023 to 2024

22 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change and the First Minister have agreed loan awards to Registered Social Landlords under the 2023 to 2024 Land for Housing Scheme.

Closure of the NHS COVID Pass Digital

21 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to the closure of the NHS COVID Pass Service.

Appointment of an Independent Member to Cardiff & Vale University Health Board

21 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to the appointment of Susan Lloyd-Selby as an Independent Member (Local Authority) to Cardiff & Vale University Health Board.

Appointment of Independent Member Community to Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

21 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed to appoint Rachel Rowlands as Independent Member Community to Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board. Her appointment starts on 01/04/2024.

Assurance of aseptic preparations of medicines in NHS Wales

21 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to the assurance of aseptic preparations of medicines in NHS Wales.

Private Finance Initiative Grant

20 February 2024

The Minister for Finance & Local Government has agreed to the payment of the 2024 to 2025 instalment of an annual revenue grant to support cost pressures of running facilities for existing Private Finance Initiative Projects for Police and Crime Commissioners and one Fire authority.

Investment Panel Meeting of 23 January 2024

20 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed Economy Futures Funding for a project in Caerphilly.

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Chair Appointment

20 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to extend Mr Nicholas Saphir's term as Chair of Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board for 12 Months.

MIPIM Event 2024

20 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed a contribution to partner with Cardiff Capital Region and Cardiff City Council at MIPIM 2024.

Culture & Sport Arm's Length Bodies' Operational Plans

15 February 2024

The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism has agreed the Culture Arm's Length Bodies' Operational Plans for 2023 to 2024.

Dowry Gap Funding

15 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to the Dowry gap funding for the ten Large Scale Voluntary Transfer Registered Social Landlords for 2025 to 2026.

Disruptive and Emerging Technology Alliance

15 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed that Welsh Government becomes a member of the Disruptive and Emerging Technology Alliance.

Integration and Rebalancing Capital Funding Programme update and project approval

15 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services, the Deputy Minister for Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing have agreed to Integration and Rebalancing Capital Funding to support three projects up to a total cost of £1,764,424.

Re-Appointments to the Life Sciences Hub Wales

15 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to extending the appointment of the Chair, Dr Chris Martin, and a non-executive director, Rupert Jones, to the Life Sciences Hub Wales.

Reappointments to Careers Choices Dewis Gyrfa Board

14 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved the reappointment of 2 Board Members Helen White and David Matthews, to Careers Choices Dewis Gyrfa (Careers Wales) Board.

Natural Resources Wales Chief Executives Pay Offer

14 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved Natural Resources Wales pay remit application request in relation to its Chief Executive pay offer for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Levy Rates

14 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Levy Rates for 2024 to 2025.

Lease of land in Newport

14 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to the new lease, along with lease variations and an option agreement of properties in Newport and expenditure of associated legal fees.

Housing Policy Grant Awards 2024 to 2025

14 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed indicative grant funding awards for TPAS Cymru, Tai Pawb, Chartered Institute for Housing Cymru, LEASE and Cardiff Community Housing Association for 2024 to 2025.

Carcass Classification - Targeted Consultation

14 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to a joint, targeted consultation with Defra on sheep carcass classification & price reporting, and authorisation of automated grading methods for the classification of sheep and beef carcases.

Mental Health Funding

14 February 2024

The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing and the Minister for Health and Social Services have agreed the allocation of mental health funding for 2024 to 2025.

Application to register a new independent school

14 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed an application for registration of Cardiff Muslim High School.

Application to register a new independent school

14 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed an application for registration of Ysgol Tan Y Gaer.

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Information Sharing

14 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency sharing information with the Welsh Government.

Local Partnerships LLP

14 February 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has approved amendments made to the Members' Agreement and Governance Framework.

Closure of 3 careers centres

14 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed Careers Wales can go ahead and market for sale three Careers Wales owned properties.

Transport for Wales

12 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed that Transport for Wales can set up a subsidiary company to commercialise surplus telecommunications fibre capacity on the Cardiff Valley Lines.

Culture and sport bodies

12 February 2024

The Minister for Economy and the Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism have agreed the arrangements made for the one off payment of £1500 to members of staff at the five culture and sport arm's length bodies.

Arm's Length Bodies Severance Schemes

12 February 2024

The Minister for Economy and the Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism have agreed funding for Arm's Length Bodies Severance Schemes 2023 to 2024.

Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) Interim CEO Appointment

12 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to appoint the current deputy CEO Bethan Owen as interim CEO as from 10 February 2024 until HEFCW is dissolved.

Communicating with farmers

12 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to the expenditure for the production and distribution of four information booklets to farmers throughout 2024 and in spring 2025. These will be sent to all farmers who submit a Single Application Form.

Joint Consultation for the revocation of Food and Drink Assimilated Law

12 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed to take part in joint consultation exercise with Defra and Scottish Government seeking views on the revocation and amendment of a list of food, drink and other assimilated laws made obsolete by Brexit and the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023.

Childcare and Early Years Capital Programme

12 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed childcare and early years capital projects.

Professional standards ownership

8 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed that the Welsh Government will retain ownership of the professional standards for both the school and the post-16 sectors, to maintain consistency and equity.

General Medical Services contract negotiations 2023 to 2024

8 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services agreed the conclusion of negotiations for the General Medical Services Contract Negotiations for 2023 to 2024.

Independent Special Post-16 Institutions

7 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has rejected an Independent Special Post-16 Institutions (ISPIs) to be included on the published ISPI List.

Childcare and Early Years Capital Programme- Cylch Meithrin Beddau- Funding Approval

7 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed funding for a childcare and early years capital project.

Digital Economy Act Three Year Review of the Fraud and Debt Powers

7 February 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government approved the laying of the Statutory Review of the Debt and Fraud Powers of the Digital Economy Act 2017 in the Senedd.

Extension of interim Chair to Hywel Dda University Health Board

6 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed to extend Judith Hardisty as interim Chair to Hywel Dda University Health Board until 31 May 2024.

National Academy for Educational Leadership

6 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding of the National Master's in Education (Wales) for 2024 to 2025.

County Parish Holding review

6 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed to conduct a review of the County Parish Holding policy, guidance and systems in Wales.

Ministerial foreword for inclusion in Financial Education Supporting Materials

6 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed wording for the 'Financial Education Supporting Materials' Ministerial foreword being published and funded by Money and Pensions Service later in 2024.

Remit letters

6 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed to the NHS Pay Review Body and the Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration Remit letters for 2024 to 2025.

Local authority smallholdings

5 February 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales and Trefnydd has agreed the Annual Report on Local Authority Smallholdings in Wales 2022 to 2023.

NHS digital projects

5 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed end-of-year capital funding for priority digital schemes.

Free school meals

5 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to the issuing of guidance to local authorities regarding a repeal Order which removed legacy benefits as a qualifying entitlement to free school meals.

Vocational Qualifications Review for Wales

5 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has accepted the Vocational Qualifications Review's recommendations for the Welsh Government. The report's 33 recommendations, which are aimed at the Welsh Government, Qualifications Wales and the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research, cover areas that include 'made-for-Wales' vocational qualifications, learner pathways into vocational education and the wider infrastructure for vocational education and training.

Appointment of Independent Member (Community) to Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

5 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has appointed Penny Jones for 4 years from the 15th January 2024.

National Advice Network Wales

5 February 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed to extend the term of office of the Chair and the members of the National Advice Network Wales until 31 March 2025.

Welsh Examination Database Contract Award 2024

5 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to a re-tendering exercise for the Welsh Examinations Database contract and the associated costs over three years from 10 May 2024.

Extension of qualifications framework alignment contract for 2024 to 2025

1 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to extend the contract which provides advice and representation to support continued qualification framework alignment and the development of a policy and processes relating to recognition of prior learning for 2024 to 2025, and expenditure to support the policy developments.

UK Government consultation on Smarter Regulation

1 February 2024

The Minister for Economy, Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip and Minister for Climate Change have agreed the Welsh Government response to the UK Government Department for Business and Trade consultation on Smarter Regulation: Strengthening the economic regulation of the energy, water and telecoms sector.

Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme - Guidance for Local Authorities

1 February 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has approved the 2024 to 2025 Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief guidance.

Housing With Care Fund

1 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change approved £2,119,408 funding from the Housing with Care Fund for eleven schemes in four regions.

Housing With Care Fund

1 February 2024

The Minister for Climate Change approved £3,511,229 funding from the Housing with Care Fund for eight schemes in four regions.

Appointment of Associate Members to Hywel Dda University Health Board

1 February 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the appointments of Michael Grey and Jeremy Hockridge as Associate Board Members to Hywel Dda University Health Board.

National Occupational Standards hosting and quality assurance arrangement

1 February 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to extend the arrangement with Skills Development Scotland for 2024 to 2025 to continue to host the management and coordination of National Occupational Standards, and related funding.

Universal Primary Free School Meals - Evaluation

1 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding to undertake an independent evaluation of the Universal Primary Free School Meal policy.

Universal Primary Free School Meals - Unit Rate Review

1 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to an increase in the unit rate provided to local authorities for the delivery of Universal Primary Free School Meals.

Transitional Protection of Free School Meals

1 February 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has determined that the transitional protection of free school meals will end as planned on 31 December 2023 (or at the end of the eligible pupil's phase of education on that date if later).

Environmental Principles, Environmental Governance, and Biodiversity Targets Bill

31 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to the draft Integrated Impact Assessment and Regulatory Impact Assessment to accompany the White Paper consultation for a proposed Bill on Environmental Principles, Environmental Governance, and Biodiversity Targets.

Connected Cardiff Bay

30 January 2024

The First Minister has agreed to negotiate the terms of a Joint Arrangement with Cardiff City Council in respect of a number of sites in Cardiff.

Release of Charges on Land at J33, Cardiff

30 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to the release of a charge over land in Cardiff.

Transfer of Land at Pengam Green, Cardiff

30 January 2024

The First Minister has agreed to discussions on the transfer of land in Cardiff.

Termination of Joint Venture Agreement on land at Wentloog

30 January 2024

The First Minister has agreed to discussions progressing, about the future of a joint venture agreement on land in Cardiff.

Power Infrastructure Upgrade Celtic Lakes

30 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to facilitate an upgrade to infrastructure in Newport.

Sale of land

30 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to the sale of land at Bangor.

Investment Recommendation Panel Meeting of 12 December 2023

30 January 2024

The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism has agreed Economy Futures Creative Production Funding for a project in Cardiff.

Investment Recommendation Panel Meeting of 9 January 2024

30 January 2024

The Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism has agreed Wales Tourism Investment Funding for a project in Powys.

Teachers' Pay and Conditions

29 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed the 5th remit for the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body on Teachers Pay and Conditions 2024 to 2025.

A strategic partnership with the Education Endowment Foundation

29 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language agreed to enter into a three-year International Partnership Agreement (IPA) with the Education Endowment Foundation. This represents a financial contribution of £55,000 for development work in 2023 to 2024 and £65,000 per year for the following three financial years to 2026 to 2027, with the option to withdraw prior to the end of the three-year term. The IPA includes the option for additional consultancy-type work should both parties agree.

Extension of Chair to Swansea Bay University Health Board

25 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the extension of Emma Woollett as Chair of Swansea Bay University Health Board.

Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme - Programme Variation

25 January 2024

The First Minister has approved the recommendations of the Education Investment Panel regarding Sustainable Communities for Learning Band B, programme variation for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.

Peer on Peer Sexual harassment Action Plan

25 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed the content and publication of the Peer-on-Peer Sexual harassment Action Plan.

Support for the community and town council sector

25 January 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government agreed to continue support for the community and town council sector in 2024 to 2025.

Hay Festival education programmes

24 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding for Hay Festival education programmes for 2024 to 2025.

Changes to Flying Start Outreach Guidance

23 January 2024

The Deputy Minister for Social Services has agreed to targeted informal consultation with local delivery partners on changes to the Flying Start Outreach Policy Guidance.

Ending Homelessness Outcomes Framework

23 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to publish the consultation summary response and the Ending Homelessness Outcomes Framework.

Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme

22 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language approved business cases for capital funding from Cardiff, Neath Port Talbot, Denbighshire and Vale of Glamorgan local authorities. The Minister also approved a variation request from Cardiff local authority regarding their approved Community Focused Schools capital funding.

Support for learners with additional learning needs

22 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language approved £20 million capital funding in 2023-24 to support learners with Additional Learning Needs.

Universal primary free school meals funding

22 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language approved the business cases for capital funding from Swansea and Bridgend local authorities.

Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme

22 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language approved the full business cases, and associated funding, for capital projects delivered by Bridgend College and NPTC Group of Colleges as part of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme. The Minister also approved increasing the funding intervention rate for Further Education Institutions to include up to 100% Welsh Government funding for unrecoverable VAT on capital projects.

New Velindre Cancer Centre

22 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved advice in relation to further advanced contracts for the New Velindre Cancer Centre.

Health Board revenue allocation

22 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the 2024 to 2025 Health Board allocations.

Basic Income for Care Leavers in Wales Pilot

22 January 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed funding for the delivery of financial advice for young people taking part in the Basic Income for Care Leavers in Wales Pilot in 2023 to 2024.

Refunding a deposit - Pencoed Technology Park

22 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved refunding a deposit.

Appointment of Associate Member to Cardiff & Vale University Health Board

18 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed the appointment of Lani Tucker as Associate Board Member to Cardiff & Vale University Health Board.

Matchfund Individual Placement Support

16 January 2024

The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing has agreed to match fund Individual Placement Support proposals in 2024 to 2025 and 2025 to 2026.

Renewal of relationship with the Silesia region of Poland

15 January 2024

The First Minister has agreed a Memorandum of Understanding and Action Plan for Cooperation with the Silesian Voivodeship, Poland.

Transforming Towns Loans

15 January 2024

The First Minister has agreed to fund Swansea local authority £3 Million under the latest round of the Transforming Towns Loans programme for 2023 to 2024.

Extending highspeed broadband reach - Legal advice procurement

15 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to award a contract for legal support for extending the reach of highspeed broadband.

Investment Panel Meeting of 21 November 2023

15 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed Economy Futures funding for a project in Powys.

Programme funding for Educational Standards posts

15 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to fund four posts to support development and implementation of the Education Standards plan and data and information ecosystem through programme budgets within Education.

Additional funding for Barriers to Start Up Grant

15 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved funding for Barriers to Start Up Grant.

Delivery of the Welsh in education workforce plan

11 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding to be allocated during 2024 to 2025 and the summer term of 2025 to 2026 to support the delivery of the Welsh in education workforce plan.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development project

11 January 2024

The Minster for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding for Wales to engage with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's new professionalism and the future of teaching project.

Research on the impact of COVID

11 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed funding for two research areas of concern related to the impact of COVID on how schools are managing the increased levels of challenging learner behaviour since the pandemic, and approaches to supporting learners in the Foundation Learning Phase whose developmental milestones have been disrupted.

Air Source Heat Pump Noise & Permitted Development Rights in Wales report

11 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed the phases 1 and 2 reports for publication.

Appointments to Health Education and Improvement Wales

10 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has appointed Judith Hardisty and Dawn Jones as Independent Member for 4 years.

Appointments to Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

10 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services has appointed Ian Mathieson as a Non-Executive Director Academic and Peter Curran as a Non-Executive Director Finance to Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust for 4 years.

Evaluation of the Virtual School Model pilot funding

10 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has agreed to fund a full evaluation of the Virtual School Model Pilot, which is due to end in March 2024.

Preparedness Plans for Avian Influenza

10 January 2024

The First Minister and the Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed to strengthen the preparedness plans for avian influenza.

Future Proofing Non-Domestic Rates Fund

10 January 2024

The Minister for Economy and the Minister for Finance and Local Government have agreed to the establishment of a capital fund to assist businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality sector. This capital fund will provide support for businesses investing in their business and properties.

Funding for Welsh Government Employability Programmes 2024 to 2025

10 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has approved the funding for the Jobs Growth Wales+, ReAct+ and Communities for Work+ programmes for the 2024 to 2025 financial year. The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed the Communities for Work+ programme funding for the City and County of Cardiff for 2024 to 2025. The Minister for Economy and Minister for Finance and Local Government also agreed that Communities for Work+ funding should remain as a separate grant and is not considered for possible inclusion in Revenue Support Grant as this stage.

Valleys Regional Park Funding

10 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to funding for the Valleys Regional Park for the 2024 to 2025 financial year.

Cyngor Gwynedd Active Travel Network Map

9 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has approved Cyngor Gwynedd's Active Travel Network Map and agreed to extend the next date for all local authorities to submit revised versions of their Active Travel Network Maps.

Additional Funding from Optimised Retrofit Programme to support upgrading Intelligent Energy Systems devices

9 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed funding to a maximum of £1.5 million from the Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP), to be used to support upgrading existing intelligent energy systems devices of technology that were used under previous iterations of ORP engagement.

Childcare Offer for Wales - In Year Adjustment 2023 to 2024

9 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed to reallocate funding from within the existing 2023 to 2024 Childcare Offer Main Grant (Legacy), the Additional Support Grant and the Administration Grant to Local Authorities.

Regional Transport Plans

9 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to issue grants to Corporate Joint Committees of £400,000 in 2024 to 2025 to enable development of Regional Transport Plans and to allow the funding committed to car clubs to be spread over several years.

Cymraeg 2050 Grant funding for third sector grant recipients

9 January 2024

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has approved grant funds for increasing the use of the Welsh language in 2024 to 2025.

Research projects related to supporting families and childcare

9 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services approved advice and funding to support research projects related to supporting families and childcare.

Transforming Towns Loans Scheme 2023 to 2024 - Approval of Loan Applications

9 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change has agreed to fund Caerphilly, Cardiff, Gwynedd and Wrexham local authorities £5.126million collectively under the latest round of the Transforming Towns Loans programme.

Children's Commissioner for Wales

8 January 2023

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed an indicative allocation of £1,591,000 (revenue) and £20,000 (capital) for the Children's Commissioner for Wales for the 2024 to 2025 financial year.

2023 Ystadau Cymru Awards

8 January 2023

The Minister for Finance and Local Government agreed the 2023 Ystadau Cymru Awards: Winner, Llantwit Food Project, Vale of Glamorgan Council and Partners; Runner-up, Merthyr Tydfil Hub, Merthyr Tydfil Council and Partners; Commendation, Parc Gelli Werdd, Welsh Government, Carmarthenshire Cc and Partners.

Early Years Integration Transformation Programme

5 January 2024

The Deputy Minister for Social Services has agreed that grant funding to Public Service Boards for the Early Years Integration Transformation Programme will cease at the end of the 2023 to 2024 financial year and that the programme will formally close at the end of the 2024 to 2025.

Specialist advice

5 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to specialist finance consultancy to support Business and Regions North Team.

Home adaptations and aids

5 January 2024

The First Minister and the Minister for Climate Change have approved £1,192,181 in 2023 to 2024 from the Housing with Care Fund for six HCF schemes and an additional £535,000 to Care and Repair Agencies in 2023 to 2024 and in 2024 to 2025.

Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence budget

4 January 2024

The Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip has agreed the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence indicative capital and revenue budget allocations for 2024 to 2025.

Equality and Inclusion Grant

4 January 2024

The Minister for Social Justice has agreed indicative budget allocations for the Equality and Inclusion Grant for 2024 to 2025.

Children and Communities Grant

4 January 2024

The Minister for Health & Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed to include the Playworks Holiday Project and the Early Intervention Parenting Support and Interparental Conflict Grant within the Children and Communities Grant from April 2024, and to issue one year indicative grant offer letters for 2024 to 2025 to all local authorities for the Children and Communities Grant.

NHS 111 service

4 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services approved the allocation of capital funding to Wales Ambulance Service NHS Trust to procure a replacement patient management and triage system to support the NHS 111 Wales national service.

Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales

4 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing approved funding for projects supporting Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales.

Sustainability of the food and drink sector

4 January 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed a number of initiatives to improve sustainability, decarbonisation and adaptation in the food and drink industry. These include the development of a food and drink industry decarbonisation plan and the commissioning of exploratory research to identify the potential benefits and drawbacks of climate risk reporting for major food, drink and animal feed businesses.

Home adaptations and aids

4 January 2024

The Minister for Climate Change approved £3,017,931 million funding from the Housing with Care Fund for eleven schemes in four regions.

Zootechnical Reform

4 January 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has agreed in principle to a joint consultation with Defra on zootech legislation.

Sale of land

3 January 2024

The Minister for Economy has agreed to the release of a charge on land at Mwyndy.


3 January 2024

The Minister for Finance and Local Government has agreed to award the contract for the development of the new StatsWales service to a modern and sustainable platfform.

Single Unified Safeguarding Review Policy Officer

3 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed funding for a single unified safeguarding review policy officer role.

Budget allocations

3 January 2024

The Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services have agreed budget allocations for early years, childcare and play for 2024 to 2025.

Organic farming

3 January 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has asked officials to develop a financial support scheme for organic farming for 2024.

UK horticulture industry

3 January 2024

The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd has given her consent for the UK Government to launch a UK-wide consultation on contractual arrangements in the UK horticulture sector.