Samsung Electronics America Inc.

04/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/30/2024 07:23

The Knox Journals: Tired of prying eyes on your personal information? Here’s how to stop it.

Our phones are constantly in our hands, but have you considered how often they get into the hands of others? Whether it's entertaining a child, showing something funny to a friend, or sending it in for repair; we hand over our precious devices surprisingly often. Each time we do that, we risk allowing too much access. It's an invasion of privacy, waiting to happen.

With Pin App and Maintenance Mode, you don't have to worry about anyone snooping around. You get to decide what people can and can't see, no matter who's got their hands on your device. It's like having a personal bouncer for your phone.

Pin App:

There's a feeling you get when you hand over your phone to show somebody some pictures. It could be your holiday snaps, or just something funny you saved. But then they accidentally open another app and now they see a photo or message, or anything else you didn't intend to show them. It's a horrifying moment, but Pin App can stop that from happening again.

Think of Pin App like a personal bouncer for your apps, stopping people from getting into where they're not welcome. Instead, it keeps them exactly where they're supposed to be - in the app you've pinned - and nowhere else.

Pin App also acts as a Do Not Disturb sign, preventing awkward pop-up notifications that risk showing sensitive information when all you wanted to do was to share a funny social media post.