
05/22/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/22/2024 13:29

New to Amazon Q? These free training courses can help you get started with AWS’s generative AI assistant.

With or without coding skills, it's easy to get up and running with Amazon's assistant for software development and analytics.

Anyone interested in using Amazon Q, a generative AI assistant for developers and businesses, now has more free tools to help them get up to speed-regardless of whether they have technical experience.

AWS developer Banjo Obayomi harnesses Amazon's generative AI tools to get answers and solve problems, while helping other engineers learn and build on Amazon Web Services.

Two new courses-Amazon Q Developer Getting Started and Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight-were announced at the AWS Summit in Los Angeles as part of Amazon's "AI Ready" initiativeto provide free AI skills training to 2 million people globally by 2025. AWS has launched a portfolio of free, self-paced courses on AWS Skill Builder, a digital learning center, to help the current and future workforce take advantage of Amazon Q.

"Q is the world's most capable generative AI assistant," Matt Wood, AWS's vice president of AI products, said at the summit. "It is a catalyst for the transformation within your organization. We've seen massive productivity gains."

Wood explained that Q is the "easy button" for generative AI. It can help users complete a series of tasks, move more quickly, and be more agile. Essentially, it removes the heavy lifting of repetitive day-to-day tasks.

"Q is a powerful way of delivering quick, relevant answers to your business questions," Wood said.

Free skills training to take advantage of Amazon Q

Amazon Q Developer Getting Started

Each of the new free courses takes about an hour to complete. They are part of the Amazon Q learning plan.

  • Amazon Q Developer Getting Startedhelps you understand, build, extend, and operate AWS applications throughout the software development life cycle so you can code faster. This fundamental-level course covers the benefits, features, typical use cases, technical concepts, and cost of using Amazon Q Developer.
  • Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight Getting Startedhelps you learn how to quickly share data-driven insights using natural language to build business intelligence dashboards in minutes, and easily create visualizations and executive summaries using Amazon Q QuickSight. It is also a fundamental-level course.

In addition to these two courses, two others launched with the release of Amazon Q in April:

AWS skills trainings on generative AI offerings are available to everyone, with all levels of experience.

More news from AWS Summit Los Angeles

There were several other announcements at the LA Summit, including:

  • NinjaTech AI, an AWS-powered startup, has launched Ninja, the first iteration of their AI autonomous agent in public beta. Ninja is the next generation of AI personal assistants that can plan and execute multiple real-world tasks asynchronously, such as researching complex topics and scheduling meetings or travel on its users' behalf. The product was fully built on AWS machine learning chips Trainium and Inferentia2, enabling the startup to significantly lower the cost of training and inferencing, without compromising on performance.
    How NinjaTech AI built a multi-agent personal AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services
  • Hugging Face, a leading AI startup, announced that it will make the power of AWS Inferentia2 directly available to users in its community. By enabling more than 100,000 models on Inferentia2 with Amazon SageMaker, Hugging Face users will benefit from better performance and more cost efficient production workloads. The startup also introduced Inferentia2 instances for Hugging Face Inference Endpoints, where users can find a model they are interested in, deploy it in just a few clicks on Inferentia2, without leaving the Hugging Face interface.

Learn more about Trainiumand Inferentia, and Amazon Q. Find out what's happening at AWS Summit Los Angeles.

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