Prime Minister’s Office of India

10/25/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/25/2021 00:35

PM Modi inaugurates 9 Medical Colleges in Siddharth Nagar, UP

Prime Minister's Office

PM Modi inaugurates 9 Medical Colleges in Siddharth Nagar, UP

Posted On: 25 OCT 2021 11:59AM by PIB Delhi

Siddharthnagar, Etah, Hardoi, Pratapgarh, Fatehpur, Deoria, Ghazipur, Mirzapur and Jaunpur get new Medical Colleges

"Double Engine Government of Uttar Pradesh is the result of decades of hard work of many Karma Yogis"

"The name of Madhav Prasad Tripathi will continue to give inspiration for public service to the young doctors coming out of the medical college"

"Purvanchal, Uttar Pradesh previously maligned for meningitis will give a new light of health to Eastern India"

"When the government is sensitive, there is a sense of compassion in the mind to understand the pain of the poor, then such accomplishments happen"

"The dedication of so many medical colleges is unprecedented in the state. This did not happen earlier and why it is happening now, there is only one reason - political will and political priority"

"Till 2017 there were only 1900 medical seats in government medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh. The Double Engine government has added more than 1900 seats in just the last four years"

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated 9 Medical Colleges in Siddharth Nagar, UP. These nine medical colleges are in the districts of Siddharthnagar, Etah, Hardoi, Pratapgarh, Fatehpur, Deoria, Ghazipur, Mirzapur and Jaunpur. Governor and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh

Addressing the event, the Prime Minister said the Union Government and the Government of Uttar Pradesh is the result of decades of hard work of many Karma Yogis. He said that Siddharthnagar has also given such a dedicated public representative in the form of Late Madhav Prasad Tripathi ji to the country, whose tireless hard work is helping the nation today. He added that to name the new medical college of Siddharthnagar after Madhav Babu is a true tribute to his service. The name of Madhav Babu will continue to give inspiration for public service to the young doctors coming out of the college, the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister remarked that with the creation of 9 new medical colleges, about two and a half thousand new beds have been created, new employment opportunities have been created for more than 5 thousand doctors and paramedics. "With this, a new path of medical education has been opened for hundreds of youth every year", he said.

The Prime Minister said Purvanchal's image was spoiled by the previous governments because of the tragic deaths due to meningitis. The same Purvanchal, the same Uttar Pradesh is going to give a new light of health to eastern India, Shri Modi remarked.

The Prime Minister recalled the episode in Parliament where current Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath ji, as the Member of Parliament, had narrated the agony of the poor medical system of the state in the Parliament. The Prime Minister said today, the people of Uttar Pradesh are seeing that Yogi ji, given a chance to serve by the people, has stopped the progress of encephalitis and saved the lives of thousands of children of this area. "When the government is sensitive, there is a sense of compassion in the mind to understand the pain of the poor, then such accomplishments happen", the Prime Minister remarked.

The Prime Minister said that the dedication of so many medical colleges is unprecedented in the state. "This did not happen earlier and why it is happening now, there is only one reason - political will and political priority" emphasized the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister explained that previous governments in Delhi 7 years ago and the government in Uttar Pradesh 4 years ago, used to work for votes and used to get satisfied just by announcing some dispensary or some small hospital for votes consideration. The Prime Minister said for a long time, either the building was not built, if there was a building, there were no machines, if both were done, there would be no doctors and other staff. The cycle of corruption, which looted thousands of crores of rupees from the poor, used to relentlessly run round the clock.

The Prime Minister said before 2014, the medical seats in our country were less than 90,000. In the last 7 years, 60,000 new medical seats have been added in the country. Here in Uttar Pradesh too, till 2017 there were only 1900 medical seats in government medical colleges. Whereas in the government of double engine, more than 1900 seats have been increased in just the last four years.

आज केंद्र में जो सरकार है, यहां यूपी में जो सरकार है, वो अनेकों कर्मयोगियों की दशकों की तपस्या का फल है।

सिद्धार्थनगर ने भी स्वर्गीय माधव प्रसाद त्रिपाठी जी के रूप में एक ऐसा समर्पित जनप्रतिनिधि देश को दिया, जिनका अथाह परिश्रम आज राष्ट्र के काम आ रहा है: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

सिद्धार्थनगर के नए मेडिकल कॉलेज का नाम माधव बाबू के नाम पर रखना उनके सेवाभाव के प्रति सच्ची कार्यांजलि है।

माधव बाबू का नाम यहां से पढ़कर निकलने वाले युवा डॉक्टरों को जनसेवा की निरंतर प्रेरणा भी देगा: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

9 नए मेडिकल कॉलेजों के निर्माण से, करीब ढाई हज़ार नए बेड्स तैयार हुए हैं, 5 हज़ार से अधिक डॉक्टर और पैरामेडिक्स के लिए रोज़गार के नए अवसर बने हैं।

इसके साथ ही हर वर्ष सैकड़ों युवाओं के लिए मेडिकल की पढ़ाई का नया रास्ता खुला है: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

जिस पूर्वांचल की छवि पिछली सरकारों ने खराब कर दी थी,

जिस पूर्वांचल को दिमागी बुखार से हुई दुखद मौतों की वजह से बदनाम कर दिया गया था,

वही पूर्वांचल, वही उत्तर प्रदेश, पूर्वी भारत को सेहत का नया उजाला देने वाला है: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

यूपी के भाई-बहन भूल नहीं सकते कि कैसे योगी जी ने संसद में यूपी की बदहाल मेडिकल व्यवस्था की व्यथा सुनाई थी।

योगी जी तब मुख्यमंत्री नहीं थे, सांसद थे: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

आज यूपी के लोग ये भी देख रहे है कि जब योगी जी को जनता-जनार्दन ने सेवा का मौका दिया तो कैसे उन्होंने दिमागी बुखार को बढ़ने से रोक दिया, इस क्षेत्र के हजारों बच्चों का जीवन बचा लिया।

सरकार जब संवेदनशील हो, गरीब का दर्द समझने के लिए मन में करुणा का भाव हो तो इसी तरह काम होता है: PM

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

क्या कभी किसी को याद पढ़ता है कि उत्तर प्रदेश के इतिहास में कभी एक साथ इतने मेडिकल कॉलेज का लोकार्पण हुआ हो?

बताइए, क्या कभी ऐसा हुआ है?

पहले ऐसा क्यों नहीं होता था और अब ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है, इसका एक ही कारण है- राजनीतिक इच्छाशक्ति और राजनीतिक प्राथमिकता: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

7 साल पहले जो दिल्ली में सरकार थी और 4 साल पहले जो यहां यूपी में सरकार थी, वो पूर्वांचल में क्या करते थे?

जो पहले सरकार में थे, वो वोट के लिए कहीं डिस्पेंसरी की, कहीं छोटे-मोटे अस्पताल की घोषणा करके बैठ जाते थे: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

सालों-साल तक या तो बिल्डिंग ही नहीं बनती थी, बिल्डिंग होती थी तो मशीनें नहीं होती थीं, दोनों हो गईं तो डॉक्टर और दूसरा स्टाफ नहीं होता था।

ऊपर से गरीबों के हजारों करोड़ रुपए लूटने वाली भ्रष्टाचार की सायकिल चौबीसों घंटे अलग से चलती रहती थी: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

2014 से पहले हमारे देश में मेडिकल की सीटें 90 हज़ार से भी कम थीं।

बीते 7 वर्षों में देश में मेडिकल की 60 हज़ार नई सीटें जोड़ी गई हैं: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021

यहां उत्तर प्रदेश में भी 2017 तक सरकारी मेडिकल कॉलेजों में मेडिकल की सिर्फ 1900 सीटें थीं।

जबकि डबल इंजन की सरकार में पिछले चार साल में ही 1900 सीटों से ज्यादा मेडिकल सीटों की बढ़ोतरी की गयी है: PM @narendramodi

- PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 25, 2021



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