South Lanarkshire Council

05/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/23/2024 09:38

Warm welcome guaranteed in Blantyre

The group was initially set up to provide a warm space and food as part of the council's Warm Welcome initiative and has continued to offer support to those who need it.

Blantyre Old Parish Church received £1,300 from the fund which will go towards kitchen equipment.

Treasurer Norma Burns said: "The Participatory Budget funding for a hot water boiler will make such a difference to the smooth running of a very busy kitchen.

"At present we are working with a well-used urn which continually requires filling up with water which is time consuming and the quantity of water in the urn has to be checked frequently.

"The fitted boiler will provide a safer setting, remove that task and free up our volunteers."

Council Leader and Chair of the Community Planning Partnership, Councillor Joe Fagan, said: "Participatory Budgeting works so well because it targets what local people tell us they need.

"In this case, the work the church volunteers are doing to help those in need in Blantyre is vital.

"It once again shows the tremendous sense of community we have across South Lanarkshire, and I would like to thank the church volunteers for all the invaluable work they do."

More information about Participatory Budgeting is available on the Community Planning website.