
UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

11/24/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/24/2022 03:54

Energy Trends and Prices statistical release: 24 November 2022

Energy production and consumption statistics are provided in total and by fuel and provide an analysis of the latest 3 months data compared to the same period a year earlier. Energy price statistics cover domestic price indices, prices of road fuels and petroleum products and comparisons of international road fuel prices.

Energy production and consumption

Highlights for the 3 month period July to September 2022, compared to the same period a year earlier include:

  • Primary energy consumption in the UK on a fuel input basis rose by 4.5%, with petroleum consumption increasing as lockdown restrictions eased. On a temperature adjusted basis consumption rose by 1.8%. (table ET 1.2) and (table ET 3.13)
  • Indigenous energy production rose by 0.3%, with strong growth in gas and renewables production, but reduced oil production due to planned maintenance. (table ET 1.1)
  • Russian imports continue to decrease. The UK has not imported any gas since March 2022, and Russian oil imports accounted for just 0.4% of total oil imports in the third quarter of 2022. (table ET 4.4) and (table ET 3.14)
  • Gas exports up significantly; the UK has been playing a key role in supplying gas to Europe as it looks to move away from Russian gas. (table ET 4.3)
  • Electricity generation by Major Power Producers up 17%, with coal down 0.6%, but gas up 21%, nuclear up 2.4% and renewables up 23% due to increased capacity and more favourable weather conditions.* (table ET 5.4)
  • Gas provided 50.5 of electricity generation by Major Power Producers, with renewables at 30.5%, nuclear at 16.0% and coal at 2.2%.* (table ET 5.4)
  • Low carbon share of electricity generation by Major Power Producers down 1.0 percentage points to 46.4%, whilst fossil fuel share up 1.2 percentage points to 53.0%, these are the lowest and highest shares respectively since the 3 month period ending April 2018.* (table ET 5.4)

*Major Power Producers (MPPs) data published monthly, all generating companies data published quarterly.

Energy prices

Highlights for November 2022 compared to October 2022:

  • Petrol up 1.3 pence per litre and diesel up 6.2 pence per litre. (table QEP 4.1.1)

Lead statistician Warren Evans, Tel 0750 091 0468

Press enquiries, Tel 020 7215 1000

Data periods and coverage

Statistics on monthly production and consumption of coal, electricity, gas, oil and total energy include data for the UK for the period up to the end of September 2022.

Statistics on average temperatures, heating degree days, wind speeds, sun hours and rainfall include data for the UK for the period up to the end of October 2022.

Statistics on energy prices include retail price data for the UK for October 2022, and petrol & diesel data for November 2022, with EU comparative data for October 2022.

Next release

The next release of provisional monthly energy statistics will take place on Thursday 22 December 2022.

Data tables

To access the data tables associated with this release please click on the relevant subject link(s) below. For further information please use the contact details provided.

Please note that the links below will always direct you to the latest data tables. If you are interested in historical data tables please contact BEIS ([email protected])

Subject and table number Energy production and consumption, and weather data
Total Energy Contact: Energy statistics, Tel: 0747 135 8194
ET 1.1 Indigenous production of primary fuels
ET 1.2 Inland energy consumption: primary fuel input basis
Coal Contact: Coal statistics, Tel: 0774 159 8039
ET 2.5 Coal production and foreign trade
ET 2.6 Coal consumption and coal stocks
Oil Contact: Oil statistics, Tel: 0743 672 9458
ET 3.10 Indigenous production, refinery receipts, imports and exports
ET 3.11 Stocks of petroleum
ET 3.12 Refinery throughput and output of petroleum products
ET 3.13 Deliveries of petroleum products for inland consumption
ET 3.14 Imports of primary oil and petroleum products by country of origin
ET 3.15 Exports of primary oil and petroleum products by country of destination
Gas Contact: Gas statistics, Tel: 0781 869 7684
ET 4.2 Natural gas production and supply
ET 4.3 Natural gas imports and exports
ET 4.4 Natural gas imports
Electricity Contact: Electricity statistics, Tel: 0776 757 3907
ET 5.3 Fuel used in electricity generation by major producers
ET 5.4 Electricity production and availability from the public supply system
ET 5.5 Availability and consumption of electricity
Weather Contact: Energy statistics, Tel: 0747 135 8194
ET 7.1 Average temperatures and heating degree days and deviations from the long term mean
ET 7.2 Average wind speed and deviations from the long term mean
ET 7.3 Average daily sun hours and deviations from the long term mean
ET 7.4 Average monthly rainfall and deviations from the long term mean