Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

05/16/2022 | Press release | Archived content

Adriatic and Ionian Council/EUSAIR Ministerial Meeting

State Secretary Gašper Dovžan took part in the Adriatic and Ionian Council/EUSAIR Ministerial Meeting in Tirana, hosted by the Albanian AII Chairmanship/EUSAIR Presidency in the framework of the 7th EUSAIR Annual Forum. The Meeting was chaired by Megi Fino, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania.

State Secretary Dovžan welcomed the adoption of the Tirana Declaration, which includes orientations for the future work of the EUSAIR and the AII. The Declaration underlines the importance of continuing the EU enlargement process to the Western Balkans and starting negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. It also condemns the Russian aggression against Ukraine, underlining the need to find a diplomatic solution and continue providing humanitarian aid. The Declaration also promotes the inclusion of young people in the EUSAIR, welcoming the organisation of an entrepreneurial competition for young people from the region within the scope of the Slovenian project POPRI.

In his address, the State Secretary emphasised the green transformation, the improvement of the quality of life by the shared seas with specific arrangements, and the implementation of regimes based on the consideration of the coastal and marine ecosystem services in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. He also stressed the importance of regional integration and improving the situation of young people, who are crucial to the development and progress of the Western Balkans. All of this is also at the core of Slovenia's support for the Western Balkan countries on their path towards the EU.

Within the framework of AII/EUSAIR, Slovenia pays a great deal of attention to environmental protection. Green infrastructure and the use of blue corridors are important for the implementation of maritime spatial planning. In March 2022, Slovenia organised a round table on the role of national parks, with a focus on marine biodiversity, which is a cornerstone of sustainable development.

At the Ministerial Meeting in Tirana, Albania handed over the one-year AII Chairmanship/EUSAIR Presidency to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the margins of the meeting, State Secretary Dovžan met with Chief Negotiator for Albania's Accession to the EU Zef Mazi. They exchanged views on EU enlargement and on the progress in Albania's efforts in this process, in particular on the state of implementation of reforms