Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC

12/03/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2023 09:00

Fighters Say UFC Can't Avoid Wage Suppression Trial – Law360

Ultimate Fighting Championship fighters assailed the company for trying to avoid trial next year on antitrust claims alleging it suppressed wages by up to $1.6 billion through coercive, exclusive contracts and the purchase of rival promoters, telling a Nevada federal judge UFC's arguments for dismissal are deeply contradictory.

In opposing UFC's summary judgment motion, the fighters argued Thursday that U.S. District Judge Richard F. Boulware II already "found compelling evidence supporting each element" of their antitrust claims against parent company Zuffa LLC when he granted class certification to an estimated 1,200-plus members in August.

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The fighters are represented by Eric L. Cramer, Michael Dell'Angelo, Patrick F. Madden, Najah Jacobs, Joshua P. Davis and Julie Pollock of Berger Montague PC, Joseph R. Saveri and Kevin E. Rayhill of Joseph Saveri Law Firm LLP, Benjamin D. Brown, Richard A. Koffman and Daniel H. Silverman of Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, Don Springmeyer of Kemp Jones LLP, Bradley S. Schrager of Wolf Rifkin Shapiro Schulman & Rabkin LLP, Robert C. Maysey and Jerome K. Elwell of Warner Angle Hallam Jackson & Formanek PLC, William G. Caldes of Spector Roseman Kodroff & Willis PC, John D. Radice of Radice Law Firm PC and Frederick S. Schwartz of The Law Office of Frederick S. Schwartz.

Read Fighters Say UFC Can't Avoid Wage Suppression Trial