The Finnish Defence Forces

03/15/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Chief of Defence of the Czech Republic visited Finland

The Commander of the Czech Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Karel Řehka, visited Finland on 18-19 March 2024. The visit was hosted by the Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces, General Timo Kivinen.

The programme included a panel discussion at the Embassy of the Czech Republic on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of their NATO membership, a meeting with Minister of Defence Häkkänen and visits to the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid COE), the National Emergency Supply Agency and to the Finnish Border Guard.

The topics of discussion during the visit included the importance of conscription, strategic projects, defence cooperation, support for Ukraine and Russia's hybrid influencing.

At the Guard Jaeger Regiment in Santahamina Lieutenant General Řehka familiarised himself with Finnish conscript training.