The University of Alabama

01/21/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/21/2025 08:16

UA Preview — Jan. 21-26, 2025


Bell to Step Down as UA President in July

Dr. Stuart R. Bell, the 29th president of The University of Alabama, has announced his plans to step down from the presidency mid-summer, completing a decade of excellence in leadership. 

Why This Matters: The announcement comes as the University celebrates unparalleled achievements in enrollment, academic quality, research activity and funding, fundraising, athletics, campus development and more during his tenure. In the last century, only Presidents George Denny and Frank Rose have served more years working in the role. His thoughtfully planned transition leaves the campus in a position of distinction and strength. 

Things to Look Forward to in 2025

It's a new year at the Capstone and that means new opportunities, new milestones, new frontiers for exploration and more.

Why This Matters: The new year will see a new core curriculum, eight electric buses and the reopening of McLure Library after major renovations, and much more.


Dr. Jessica Maddox, associate professor of digital media technology, is available to discuss the future of Tik Tok.

Sheena Gregg, a registered dietician nutritionist and director of the department of health promotion and wellness, is available to discuss ways to stay motivated to keep your health and wellness resolutions. Contact Gregg at [email protected].


Seniors in Science: Basics of Birding

Jan. 22; Alabama Museum of Natural History

UA Winter Cabaret

Jan. 22-23; University Club

Chinese Year of Snake New Year Gala

Jan. 26; UA Student Center Ballroom

Movement in the Museum: Candlelit Yoga

Jan. 28; Alabama Museum of Natural History

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