Eiffage SA

10/13/2023 | Press release | Archived content

Eiffage Aménagement signs the urban renewal contract for the Combes sector in Antibes (06)

The Eiffage Aménagement project: a piece of nature
The aim of the project is to create a sustainable neighbourhood that is pleasant to live in by creating a real residential park with high-quality 3/4 storey buildings that blend seamlessly into the topography of the site. The future district will have a floor area of around 9,500 m2 and will include :

  • Approximately 135 homes (40% of which will be social rental housing, 10% affordable housing and 50% affordable housing) over 8,600 m2. Eiffage Immobilier will build a social housing residence based on the Cocoon'Ages intergenerational concept. The project centre, run by Réciprocité, will have a broader remit, offering services to the whole neighbourhood and beyond;
  • a 70-bed crèche covering an area of around 900 m2 ;
  • an urban agriculture project;
  • a 2-hectare Mediterranean park reserved for soft mobility.

Bioclimatic architecture and a comprehensive environmental approach

The district will have very high environmental standards, and is aiming for the Quartiers Durables Méditerranéens (QDM) and Bâtiment Durable Méditerranéen (BDM) silver labels.
The site will implement a low-carbon strategy using bio- and geo-sourced construction materials (crushed earth, wood, or mixed solutions), as well as a re-use and recycling approach. This approach will be evaluated throughout the design, construction and operation phases.