01/21/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/21/2025 07:12
Milton Road Surgery in Grays is engaging with registered patients to ask their views on the practice's proposal to relocate the Milton Road Surgery to Oddfellows Hall Health Centre by 1 April 2025. This due to the building landlord serving notice on the practice that it must vacate by 31 March 2025.
Milton Road Surgery has identified an opportunity to relocate to nearby Oddfellows Hall Health Centre, which is 0.1 mile away on Dell Road, a 3-minute walk, where there is available space to accommodate all Milton Road Surgery staff and patient services.
This option would ensure no patient services are lost and that patients can have continuity of care from current staff. In addition, Oddfellows Hall Health Centre also has available capacity and facilities to accommodate Milton Road to continue with its GP training and education activity, which are vital to supporting the ongoing work to recruit and retain more doctors and nurses in Thurrock.
Registered patients are encouraged to take part in the engagement activities, which include a patient survey as well as a series of drop-in clinics. Further information about ways to provide feedback are available in paper copy at the practice and online at the practice website at https://www.thegrayssurgery.com/.
The engagement period is open until Friday 7 February 2025.