Frost & Sullivan

05/17/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/17/2023 05:10

911inform Awarded by Frost & Sullivan for Providing Leading Security and Emergency Management Solutions Platform

San Antonio, TX - May 17, 2023- Frost & Sullivan recently researched the emergency management solutions industry and, based on its findings, recognizes 911inform with the 2023 North American Product Leadership Award. 911inform's superior notification and emergency management platform provides emergency personnel with access to critical data and tools to manage crisis situations in a wide array of industries, such as education, public venues, medical facilities, sporting events, and enterprise.

The company's pioneering emergency management solutions easily integrate with existing emergency response protocols, offering real-time communication with law enforcement agencies, highly customizable tools, interactive mapping, and exit routes, among many other critical features. In fact, 911inform's platform is at the forefront of technology because it offers multiple first-class security solutions in a single platform.

911inform's forward-thinking platform seamlessly integrates with security-relevant technologies, such as facial recognition, weapon detection systems, and video surveillance to enhance security and situational awareness during an emergency. Additionally, the platform uses location technology to notify security staff through an IP link via text message that displays the dashboard interface with vital data, such as floor plans, the location of doors and fire extinguishers, and other relevant elements in an emergency. As a result, the platform allows businesses to integrate security equipment and controls to bridge the information gap between first responders and emergency communication centers (ECCs).

"911inform's unique value proposition comes from its ability to give responders unmatched control over connected building assets and/or geo-fenced areas. As such, responders are equipped with enhanced incident intelligence information allowing them to prepare, react, and respond during crisis situations," said Brent Iadarola, Vice President at Frost & Sullivan.

In addition, the company received Frost & Sullivan's New Product Innovation Award in 2020 and the Product Innovation Award in 2021, indicating that the company remains on an impressive path of leadership and continuous innovation in the emergency management solutions industry.

911inform continually upgrades its cloud-native solutions to integrate cutting-edge technologies as new security measures and developments emerge. Moreover, the platform's user-friendly and customer-centric approach has helped 911inform outperform its closest competitors, potentially allowing it to lead the industry and dramatically increase its customer base in the next few years.

"911inform has developed a solution that dramatically enhances situational awareness and communication during emergency events. The solution is highly configurable and consistently meets customers' unique functional needs across multiple use cases," noted Michelle Funke, Best Practices Research Analyst at Frost & Sullivan.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has developed a product with innovative features and functionality that is gaining rapid market acceptance. The award recognizes the quality of the solution and the customer value enhancements it enables.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

About 911inform
911inform is the only all-encompassing platform to help emergency response teams better manage communication and connected-building controls directly related to an emergency. 911inform provides full situational awareness and communication across multiple platforms. Enhance your safety solutions for today's ever-changing technology for NG911. For more information, visit

Christy Barbaran
[email protected]

About Kristen Moore

Marketing Coordinator - Best Practices Recognition
[email protected]
Phone: +1 (210) 247-3823

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Kristen Moore

Marketing Coordinator - Best Practices Recognition
[email protected]
Phone: +1 (210) 247-3823