City of Grand Junction, CO

05/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/23/2024 17:03

Grand Junction Hosts Focus Groups for Electric Vehicle Carshare Study

The City of Grand Junction and consultant Felsburg Holt & Ullevig (FHU) are gathering input from the community regarding transportation habits in order to determine the benefits of offering an Electric Vehicle (EV) carshare program. As part of that effort, community members can provide input at and/or submit an application to serve on one of the community focus groups.

City of Grand Junction residents or employees who experience travel concerns can apply online to participate in a focus group at Examples of the types of travel concerns include the following:

  • Reliant on friends or loved ones for rides
  • Dependent on bus or other transit
  • Struggle to get to work, appointments, or the grocery store
  • Cancel or postpone important trips due to bad weather
  • Spend a significant amount of income on transportation
  • Interested in reducing the number of vehicles in their household

Community members who complete the application and are selected to serve on one of the one-hour focus groups will receive a $25 gift card that is being funded by FHU. Focus groups will occur at a variety of dates and times from June - July.

Adoption of a community EV carshare program was identified in the EV Readiness Plan approved by City Council in 2023.