City of South Fulton, GA

05/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/09/2024 14:23

South Fulton's Housing Future Brightened by Atlanta Regional Commission's Support

One of six metro Atlanta communities receiving critical planning and technical support through the Community Development Assistance Program, South Fulton Housing Assessment Project moves forward.

The City of South Fulton has been thrust into the spotlight with a new initiative that seeks to reshape its housing landscape. The city was selected as one of six beneficiaries under the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) Community Development and Assistance Program, the South Fulton Housing Assessment project is poised to address some of the most pressing needs of the city's growing and diverse population.

This housing assessment endeavor aims to evaluate the current conditions of housing stock in the City of South Fulton. With a detailed analysis, the project seeks to establish a baseline understanding of what exists and what needs to be improved. This insight will guide future metrics and strategies to foster growth and ensure sustainable development.

The ARC's support for the City of South Fulton is part of a broader commitment to enhance regional community planning. As one of Georgia's 12 regional commissions, ARC brings a wealth of expertise and resources to the table. Their involvement extends beyond community planning, including regional transportation, aging services, water resources management, workforce development, and even homeland security.

The goals of the South Fulton Housing Assessment project are multidimensional. They focus on accommodating new families, providing viable options for seniors to age in place, and diversifying the housing stock to include a range of affordable housing options. The underlying aim is to ensure that all current and future residents have access to appropriate and affordable housing.

This strategic initiative highlights the collaborative efforts between the City of South Fulton and ARC, underscoring the importance of proactive regional planning in addressing the evolving needs of urban populations.