Innovative Energy Group Ltd.

01/24/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/24/2025 07:56

Innovative Energy Group Limited (ENERGY) – Resolutions passed at the AGM held January 9, 2025

At the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of INNOVATIVE ENERGY GROUP LIMITED that was duly convened and held on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 10:00 AM via the online platform, the following resolutions of the Company were duly passed:


  1. THAT the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 May 2024 and the reports of the Directors and Auditors circulated with the Notice convening the meeting be and are hereby adopted.
  2. THAT the following Directors who retire in accordance with Section 108 of the Articles of Incorporation and who being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment, be hereby reappointed en bloc:-
  • Nigel Davy
  • Winston Watson
  • Donald Patterson
  • Jennifer Davy
  1. THAT The Company is approved to issue and admit further participating voting shares pursuant to Rule 403 being 850,000,000 Ordinary Shares on the Main Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange which corresponds to the class of participating voting shares already admitted on the said Market, as may be allotted by the Board of Directors, to such persons on such terms and conditions and at such times at the Board of Directors think fit and in accordance with the Rules."
  • THAT the Company is approved to make the necessary application for admission for the further issue to the Jamaica Stock Exchange, in which, the Directors and the Company Secretary are authorized to execute all steps and documents, for and on behalf of the Company, including but not limited to the corporate shelf documents required by the Jamaica Stock Exchange and the Main Market Rules, as well as to execute and deliver all such other deeds, documents, instruments in writing and to perform and do all such acts and things, as may be considered necessary, desirable or useful for the purpose of giving effect to this Resolution.
  • THAT Each Authorized Person of the Company is hereby authorized to execute and deliver and to cause to be executed and delivered, with or without the company seal of the Company, all such other documents, instruments, agreements and writings and to do all such acts and things as such person may, in his/her/their sole discretion consider necessary, advisable or desirable in connection with or as contemplated by, or for the purpose of giving effect to these resolutions.
  1. THAT Crichton, Mullings & Associates, Chartered Accountants, having signified their willingness to serve, continue in the office as Auditors of the Company pursuant to Section 154 of the Companies Act to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting at a remuneration to be fixed by the Directors of the Company.
  2. THAT the fees of the Non-executive Directors for the year ended May 31, 2024, be fixed by the Corporate Governance & Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors.

By Order of the Company Secretary

AspireSec Limited
