CFNA - China Chamber of Commerce of I/E, of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal by Products

05/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/24/2024 00:32

第八届理事单位 —— 苏州佰隆贸易有限公司

苏州佰隆贸易有限公司(Suzhou Peloris Trading Co Ltd)是澳大利亚公司Peloris Global Sourcing Pty Ltd 于2012年9月在中国设立的子公司,主要致力于开拓澳大利亚和新西兰食品和饮料在中国的配给渠道。苏州佰隆自2014年成为中国食品土畜进出口商会会员以来,与商会及海关紧密合作,制定了了严格的供应链体系及程序,开发了进口食品冷链全程实时追溯系统,参与了巴氏杀菌乳进口检验检疫监管模式改革试点,并且获得了巴氏杀菌乳的快速清关通道。目前已进口的主要产品包括澳大利亚和新西兰的巴氏杀菌奶、酸奶、奶酪、奶油、 黄油、冰激凌和红酒等零售消费品,正在拓展的进口产品包括高温杀菌奶(UHT)、奶粉、黄油、奶油芝士、奶酪、淡奶油等食品工业原料,以及海鲜、牛肉和水果等其他农产品。

Suzhou Peloris Trading Co Ltd is an Australian company called Peloris Global Sourcing Pty Ltd is a subsidiary of Sourcing Pty LTD established in China in September 2012, mainly focusing on the development of Australian and New Zealand food and beverage distribution channels in China. Suzhou Peloris, as a member of China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products since 2014, has worked closely with the Chamber and the GACC developed rigorous supply chain systems and procedures, and a real-time traceability system for the entire cold chain of imported food, participated in a pilot reform of the inspection and quarantine supervision model for the importation of pasteurised milk, and gained access to a fast-track customs clearance for pasteurised milk.The currently imported main products include retail consumer products such as pasteurised milk, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, ice cream and wine from Australia and New Zealand, while the imported products that are being expanded include raw materials for the food service industry such as ultra high temperature milk (uht), milk powder, butter, cream cheese, cheese, whipping cream, and other agricultural products e.g. seafood, beef and fruits as well.


The company's philosophy focuses on the increasing globalization of the market, and the company's innovative model focuses on improving some of the inherent shortcomings of the current global sourcing model, serving both suppliers and customers who do business on a global scale and lack risk control, and bridging the gap between supply and demand, removing cultural and linguistic barriers and managing supply chain processes.

百嘉品牌始于1899年,奶源采自澳洲最肥沃的绿色牧场,以其丰富的乳制品风味和美味而闻名。在业务范围不断拓展的同时,我们始终保持初心--为客户提供百年来一直青睐的始 终如一、高品质、符合需求的产品。



联系人:Lily 13511653066

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