City of Quincy, MA

09/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 11:43

New Quincy Historical Society Executive Director Appointed

New Quincy Historical Society Executive Director Appointed
Published September 18, 2024
Mayor Thomas P. Koch announces the appointment of Alexandra Elliott as Executive Director of Quincy Historical Society.

Elliott's appointment marks a new step in the long cooperation between the City of Quincy and Quincy Historical Society. The Historical Society has provided consultation and assistance on City projects to preserve and promote Quincy's historic heritage and encourage tourism, including Hancock-Adams Common and President's Trail. And it has presented a program introducing Quincy's history in Quincy Public Schools third and fourth grades for more than 40 years. The City has ensured the preservation and restoration of the Adams Academy, the Society's home, through Community Preservation grants and other assistance.

"The Historical Society has contributed immense value to understanding our City's story over the years," commented Mayor Koch. "Now that the Adams Academy is officially a City building, it is the right time to build on the relationship."

The Executive Director salary will be funded through the state's Hotel-Motel tax, revenue which comes from visitors to the City and which must be used for tourism and preservation.

Elliott joined the Historical Society staff in 2017, when she was brought in to assist in curating the 2018 exhibit Howard Johnson and Twentieth Century America and since then has played an essential part in all the Society's major projects, including its 125th anniversary celebration. She has created the Society's social media presence and the Quincy History Blog. She has held the position of the Society's Curator since 2019. Ms. Elliott is a trained archaeologist with a Master of Arts from the University of Edinburgh.

Her previous positions include tour guide on Boston's Freedom Trail, operational assistant at Dedham's Fairbanks House, and educator at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. She succeeds the Historical Society's long-term executive director Edward Fitzgerald, who will assume the title of Emeritus Director. Share this page

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