City of Surrey

03/23/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/23/2023 15:17

Staying Warm This Winter

See how the City is prepared for cold weather, and where you can go to warm up if needed.

March 23, 2023

Stay Safe in Winter Weather

Low temperatures can be dangerous, so do what you can to stay warm:

Dress for the weather

Wear proper clothing and shoes such as:

  • Layers of clothing including wind and waterproof outer layers
  • A hat and face mask, and mittens rather than gloves
  • Wool socks and waterproof boots that fit well

Be aware of cold-related illness and injuries

  • Frostbite is freezing of the skin and tissues below the skin
  • Hypothermia occurs when the body gets cold and loses heat faster than the body can make it

For Medical Attention

  • Phone 9-1-1 for emergencies
  • Phone 8-1-1 for health-related illnesses and advice
  • Phone 2-1-1 to connect with other services

Avoid doing too much activity and sweating. Sweating increases heat loss through evaporation, so you will feel cold.

Avoid touching metal, especially with wet hands, because it will make you feel colder and may cause frostbite.

Find shelter: Libraries, shopping malls, and recreation and community centres are warm places to take a break from the cold.

See more winter health tips from HealthLinkBC.

Winter Safety Resources

Stay safe and avoid injuries this winter with these resources:

Cold Weather Relief Locations

Homelessness Services Association of BC (HSABC) Extreme Weather Response Program

Homelessness Services Association of BC (HSABC) is contracted by BC Housing to manage the Extreme Weather Response Program in Surrey. HSABC provides the latest information about extreme weather shelter activations including which shelters are open when an extreme weather response alert is issued, triggered by factors including:

  1. Temperatures at or below 0 degrees Celsius
  2. Significant snow accumulation or sleet/freezing rain conditions
  3. Significant windstorms
  4. Periods of extended heavy rain
  5. Temperatures near zero degrees with rainfall
  6. Temperatures reported as 'feels like' zero degrees Celsius or below with wind chill considerations
  7. Weather Alerts as issued by Environment Canada

See list of open shelters.

Civic Facilities Open for Warming

In addition to the extreme weather response program, many City of Surrey civic facilities are available to anyone seeking relief from freezing temperatures. Operating hours vary based on location, and have modified holiday hours.





South Surrey

Whalley/City Centre

* The City supports people who bring a pet when they come to recreation facilities to escape the cold. Pet owners must remain with their pet at all times, bring necessary supplies, and are encouraged to bring a crate to house their pet. All pets must either be on a leash or in a crate while in the facility.

Winter Road Preparedness

City of Surrey road crews are ready for winter. Fleets have been winterized, response technologies have been enhanced, and salt supplies have been topped up to help everyone get around safely when cooler weather hits.

See how we are prepared

Keep Streets Safe

When winter weather strikes, we all have a role to play in keeping sidewalks and streets safe:

  • Clear snow and ice from sidewalks next to your property by 10am every day. Avoid pushing snow onto street to keep our roads safe and accessible

  • Clear storm drains of leaves and snow to prevent flooding and icy road conditions if temperatures hit freezing

  • Help make waste collection easier and more efficient by clearing carts of snow and ice

  • Ensure your vehicle is winter-ready and learn to drive safely in winter conditions

  • When walking, wear lights and/or reflective clothing, always use a crosswalk, and make eye contact with drivers to make sure they see you

Visit for additional winter preparedness tips and information.

Report Snow & Ice Problems

Report non-emergency snow and ice service requests online at or by calling 604-591-4152.