UAB - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

04/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/24/2024 04:47

The FAS participates in a seminar on child poverty

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Jordi Prat, director of the UAB Solidarity Foundation (FAS), participated in the 5th RUIA Seminar on child poverty, organised by the Network of Universities for Children and Adolescents (RUIA) and held in Torrevieja, Valencia.

Under the title "Child Poverty in Spain Under Debate", experts in the field, lecturers and researchers from the universities that make up the network, and different representatives of social entities, including FAS, met to reflect on and discuss the social scourge of child poverty.

In the case of the FAS, Jordi Prat was a speaker at the round table "The involvement of universities against child poverty" to explain the successful model of the Campus Ítaca. The programme aims to promote equal opportunities in the transition between educational stages and the continuity of compulsory studies with more guarantees of success for children and young people in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability, and to help students of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) become part of an active, critical citizenship and agents of social transformation, as well as bring the university closer to its surroundings (Hub30), particularly to the most disadvantaged areas.

Durant la seva intervenció, Prat ha fet un repàs de la història del programa que, enguany, arriba a la seva vint-i-unena edició. Així mateix, ha explicat les mesures d'equitat del programa i ha exposat les dades de participació i el seu impacte social. Finalment, s'han apuntat els reptes de futur que té el Campus Ítaca per tal de continuar complint amb els seus objectius pedagògics i educatius, unes conclusions que són extretes de l'Informe d'Avaluació de l'Impacte del Campus Ítaca, el qual ha estat realitzat pel grup Atlas i la Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS), i que es va presentar el passat mes de novembre.

During his speech, Jordi Prat reviewed the history of the programme, which this year reaches its twenty-first edition. He also explained the programme's equity measures and presented data on participation and its social impact. Finally, he pointed out the future challenges facing Campus Ítaca in order to continue to meet its pedagogical and educational objectives, conclusions drawn from the Campus Ítaca Social Impact Evaluation Report, which was carried out by the Atlas Group and the UAB's Solidarity Foundation (FAS), and presented in November 2023.