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03/06/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/06/2024 10:08

The Drew Barrymore Show: Drew’s “Real Housewives” Panel with Kyle Richards, Melissa Gorga, Dorinda Medley, Gizelle Bryant and Ashley Darby

Drew's "Real Housewives" Panel with Kyle Richards, Melissa Gorga, Dorinda Medley, Gizelle Bryant and Ashley Darby



Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean    

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Dorinda on How She Wound up on "Real Housewives"
Drew: Dorinda, what was a reason that you felt like I'm gonna try this, I'm gonna jump into this?

Dorinda: I kind of was on the show off and on because all the girls that are on New York were friends of mine. So I kind of dabbled in it. I would show up in the background and parties and stuff. But I wasn't, I was married to my husband. It didn't work out. My daughter was a private school and then as everybody knows, my husband passed, Hannah went to college all in one year. And so I decided they, Ramona Singer came to me one day and said, Ramona…Ramona is the reason I'm on this show. That's really the reason Ramona said, 'Dorinda, it's, you know, it's time for you to get try do the 'Housewives.' And I thought, you know, why not? Hannah's in college, I'm not mom, I'm not a wife. I'm not this, I'm just gonna be Dorinda and if people like me great and if not that's fine too.

Ashley on Sharing Things About Her Relationship & Revealing She's Bisexual on TV

Drew: Ashley, you also have been going through stuff in a relationship under the spotlight. What are the pros and cons of that for you?

Ashley: I've been doing this show now for eight seasons and I'm a bisexual woman and I came out about my sexuality and before I had to reveal that my husband and I didn't have a traditional marriage, right? I didn't know how that was going to be received. I didn't know how my family was going to take that when they saw it. So I had to really prepare myself for that. But in response, the out forming of women who said, I'm so thankful that someone said it so that then I can feel comfortable sharing my own story. That's been the most uplifting.

Gizelle & Melissa on Self Reflection After Watching the Episodes

Ross: When you are being on the your authentic self and, and, and you're filming it and you, you know, something is going to be shown something that, you know, the public doesn't know yet. But you know, because you shot it a while ago. What is that feeling on the inside?

Melissa: Like a knot in your stomach. You know it's coming.

Gizelle: Because we get sent the episodes a couple days before they get aired to the world and when that and I'm just like cringing like, please God, please God, please God because I know what was filmed, but I don't necessarily know what was edited yet.

Ross: And what do you think when you see moments? Are you able to do some self reflection?

Melissa: I think that's one of the biggest parts of all of it because we do show the good, the bad and the ugly, right? And we, we do need to be relatable because they show our affluent lives also. But they also need to show us as wives, as moms, as humans, things as humans that we do have struggles and we have insecurities and we might be glammed up a lot of the time, but we are insecure and have issues at home and, and we need to show all of that. And I think that's where the modern day woman, we're almost like a modern day soap opera where we can, you know, let women at home that are watching, relate to the things that we go to in our lives.

Gizelle & Ashley on What "Housewives" Has Taught Them
Ross: You've been on the show, you've seen yourself. What did you learn? What's your take on it?

Gizelle: You know, I started the show and I've, I've lived my life thinking that the way I think and the way I feel is the way that everyone should think and feel, which is ridiculous. So I had to learn to accept people for who they are and accept people for their stories and their journeys, which I didn't think was a thing. And I realized that we're all different and that's what makes us beautiful.

Drew: That's really good, that's a huge life lesson.

Ross: It's one of the things you learn along the way. That's the whole part of life and, and growing up.

Gizelle: That's the crazy Virgo in me.

Ross: You were, you were the baby on the show? You've been growing up all these seasons long. So what have you learned about yourself? What, what have you, are you reflecting on?

Ashley: I reflect on a lot. I'm very introspective. Yeah, being that I started when I was first married, then I had both of my children on the show, then I got divorced on the show. I lost my business on the show. Like, I've been through so many things ups and downs that I really learned how to believe in myself. I felt like, because I'm so vulnerable and because I'm just like a wild card that, you know, everyone just assumes that I'm gonna be ok. But that I, I didn't really feel it inside that I was going to be able to like bounce back and to be ok. Like I'm gonna be all right.

Ross: You know what I have to say, I didn't know what to expect sitting here with you, but I really think you all put the Real in 'Real Housewives.'

The Final Five with "Bitch Sesh" Podcast Hosts Casey Wilson & Danielle Schneider

Drew: I have some friends who are podcasters, Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider. They have their podcast 'Bitch 'Sesh' and it's all about their super fandom of the 'Housewives.' I don't know if you know this pod…So if it's okay, they have done the final five.

Casey: Hi Drew, it's Casey and Danielle from the 'Bitch Sesh' podcast. We are here to ask five questions to our most beloved of housewives and we just wanna say we love you all so much.

You are true American heroes. Our first question is for Kyle. Kyle, recently Sutton scattered the ashes of dance legend Merce Cunningham. She threw them over a bridge and unfortunately, there was a gust of wind and the ashes blew back into your mouth. Kyle, we're just wondering how much of Merce did you eat?

Danielle: And upon ingestion, did it make you a better dancer?

Kyle: I ate way more than I wanted to of someone that I have never met before and it did not help with my dancing skills.

Drew: I love it like you did the ashes ceremony and you had a big Lebowski moment where it just slides back.

Kyle: I just took off and ran up the stairs and I heard the camera guys laughing, you know, when you can hear them laughing, it's like, you know it was pretty funny.

Danielle: Next question that was our next question is for Dorinda Medley. Dorinda, Bluestone Manor has been a part of all of our lives. That is your home. But when will it be made into a historical museum?

Dorinda: Well, I call Bluestone Manor the Disney of Bravo. Hopefully someday Bravo should mark it as a landmark, a Bravo landmark.

Drew: So you'd be open to that.

Dorinda: I am open to that. A lot of great things have happened. If it's ever haunted one day, it's gonna be haunted by ex-housewives.

Casey: This question is for Melissa. Melissa, which housewife would you say on New Jersey is the biggest diva?

Danielle: And why is it your husband Joe?

Melissa: Oh my God. No, he's actually Joe is actually the easiest, coolest easiest going out of everyone. I will say that the biggest diva I'm gonna have to say Margaret, she like is very picky with her glam. I call her dynasty…definitely Margaret, she's definitely the biggest diva she even does this little, he, he, he laugh when she takes a photo.

Drew: Last question is a joint question.

Danielle: Gizelle and Ashley, you guys are designing a line of leggings together and its special feature is it can absorb a lot of crotch sweat. And our question is, can we order 10 pairs, please?

Gizelle: So Ashley and I have been working on an athleisure line…