CPC - Commission for the Protection of Competition

12/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/13/2024 06:07

13/12/2024 - Notification of concentration concerning the acquisition of the joint control of INTERMARITIME HOLDINGS LIMITED and INTERMARITIME SHIPMANAGEMENT LIMITED by DR[...]

The Service of the Commission for the Protection of Competition has received a notification of a concentration concerning the acquisition of the joint control of INTERMARITIME HOLDINGS LIMITED and INTERMARITIME SHIPMANAGEMENT LIMITED by DR SHIPHOLDING LTD, INTERORIENT NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED and PATH HOLDINGS LIMITED .

DR SHIPHOLDING LTD (hereinafter «DR») is a company duly registered under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. DR is active in the field of ship-management and other related shipping services worldwide through its various subsidiary companies. Ship management services refer to crew management services and technical management services. Dieter Rohdenburg is the UBO.

INTERORIENT NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter «INC») is a company duly registered under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. INC is active in the field of ship-management and other related shipping services worldwide through its various subsidiary companies. Ship management services refer to crew management services and technical management services. It has the ownership of vessels that are chartered to third parties.

PATH HOLDINGS LIMITED (hereinafter «PATH») is a company duly registered under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. PATH is a family own undertaking. Themis Papadopoulos, Alexia Papadopoulou and Pitsa Papadopoulou are the UBOs.

Both INTERMARITIME HOLDINGS LIMITED and INTERMARITIME SHIPMANAGEMENT LIMITED are companies duly registered under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and are the Target of this transaction. They have been established for the purposes of the transaction.