EFFAT - European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions

10/19/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/19/2023 12:03

Изпълнителният комитет на EFFAT приема ключова резолюция относно изборите в ЕС в Брюксел

Изпълнителният комитет на EFFAT приема ключова резолюция относно изборите в ЕС в Брюксел

EFFAT convened its Executive Committee meeting in Brussels on 19 and 20 October and 2023. Members unanimously adopted a resolution that sets a new course for EFFAT's engagement leading to the next EU Elections in 2024.

- резолюция, entitled 'Fighting for a Better Europe for Workers' outlines EFFAT's campaign to secure a Europe where the rights and interests of workers in the food, agriculture, tourism and domestic work sectors are prioritized, and where the next EU Parliament and Commission place fairness, sustainability and social rights high on the EU agenda.

The key issues EFFAT has identified and included in the resolution include:

  1. Tackling abusive Subcontracting and regulating labour Intermediation: EFFAT calls for the implementation of an EU Directive that regulates labor intermediaries and establishes equitable working conditions across subcontracting chains. This measure aims to ensure equal treatment for millions of workers in EFFAT sectors. (See detailed proposal тук)
  2. Establishing a Framework of Protection for Domestic Workers in Europe: EFFAT strongly demands that the EU takes up on its responsibility and adopt clear initiatives to protect the almost 10 million domestic workers in Europe (see our demand тук). While they play a crucial role within the EU care economy, they continue to be amongst the most vulnerable, undervalued, under-compensated, and hyper-vulnerable jobs in Europe.
  3. Ensuring a Just Transition that delivers for working people in our sectors: Climate change is a threat to job security and working conditions. EFFAT wants the green transition to be an opportunity for working people in our sectors rather than an additional threat. An opportunity to create more and better jobs with stable employment, fair pay and advanced working conditions. (see the details of our proposals тук).
  4. Advocating for stronger social elements in the next CAP Reform: While the achievement of Social Conditionality marked an incredible success for farm workers in Europe, the CAP is still far from being a fair and balanced policy. It still mainly delivers for big landowners at the detriment of small farmers and agricultural workers. EFFAT believes the social dimension of CAP should be further strengthened in occasion of the next CAP reform in 2027.
  5. Fighting shareholder value maximisation and achieving a truly sustainable food system: EFFAT emphasizes the need for the launch of the Sustainable Food System initiative. Our demands include creating a sustainable food system that ensures global food security, affordability, and environmental and social sustainability. This can only be achieved by addressing longstanding systemic issues that affect vulnerable actors in the food chain, such as concentration at various levels and EU Trade policies that consider the specificities of the agro-food sector. (see details тук).

In addition to these 5 demands EFFAT reiterated its full support the twelve points highlighted by the ETUC Манифест, Delivering a Fair Deal for workers with a specific engagement on the ETUC actions to achieve the revision of the EU public procurement rules.

By endorsing these points, EFFAT affiliates commit to integrating these vital issues into their own EU election campaigns at the national level, hence contributing to EFFAT's communication campaign at the EU level.

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