European Parliament

03/22/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Attacks and intimidation directed at journalists by the Government of the Community of Madrid, governed by the Spanish People’s Party

Attacks and intimidation directed at journalists by the Government of the Community of Madrid, governed by the Spanish People's Party


Priority question for written answer P-000905/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Iratxe García Pérez (S&D), Javier Moreno Sánchez (S&D), Isabel García Muñoz (S&D), Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D), Clara Aguilera (S&D), Laura Ballarín Cereza (S&D), Estrella Durá Ferrandis (S&D), Jonás Fernández (S&D), Lina Gálvez Muñoz (S&D), Nicolás González Casares (S&D), Alicia Homs Ginel (S&D), Javi López (S&D), Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D), César Luena (S&D), Cristina Maestre Martín De Almagro (S&D), Inma Rodríguez-Piñero (S&D), Marcos Ros Sempere (S&D), Domènec Ruiz Devesa (S&D), Nacho Sánchez Amor (S&D)

This week, it was revealed that the Head of Cabinet of the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, made direct threats to a newspaper's management: 'We will crush you. You will have to close.'

He has also admitted to spreading unfounded rumours about two journalists on social media, slandering them, accusing them of criminal behaviour and identifying them by name and with their photographs. Such conduct is entirely illegal.

The Spanish Federation of Journalists' Associations[1] and the Madrid Press Association[2], as well as international representative organisations such as Reporters Without Borders[3], have strongly condemned the intimidation and attacks on the freedom of the press by senior officials of the Community of Madrid.

  • 1.Does the European Commission consider that these attacks violate Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on freedom of expression and information?
  • 2.Does the European Commission believe that these actions constitute an attack on the rule of law in Spain?


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