City of Aurora, CO

10/04/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/04/2022 09:50

Ballot Question on City Charter Amendment

Aurora voters will have a chance to vote on the November ballot regarding a proposed amendment to the City Charter.

Earlier this year, the Aurora City Council passed Ordinance 2022-33, referring a City Charter amendment to the registered electors of Aurora.

Registered electors will vote on whether to amend Article 3-3 of the City Charter to replace "felony" with "embezzlement of public money, bribery, perjury, solicitation of bribery, or subornation of perjury."

If passed, the amendment will conform the qualifications of Aurora's elected officials with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution.

The following question will appear on the ballot:

"Shall Article 3-3 of the Aurora City Charter be amended to conform the qualifications of elective officers of the city with the provision in Section 4 of Article XII of the Colorado Constitution by removing the general prohibition against convicted felons holding elective office and replacing that prohibition with a more specific prohibition against persons who have been convicted of embezzlement of public money, bribery, perjury, solicitation of bribery or subornation of perjury?"

For more information, email [email protected]or call 303.739.7094.