U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor

09/27/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2022 15:49

Commitment to America: Restoring American Education

"From the classroom to school board meetings, parents demand unfettered accountability from those who are responsible for teaching their children. They are the torchbearers for their children's education, and they are a force to be reckoned with. Republicans are working to ensure that students are being given every chance to succeed, whether that is fighting for school choice or restraining the federal government's attempt to control education at every level." -Rep. Virginia Foxx

Republicans are committed to restoring excellence in American education.

The Parents Bill of Rights is a cornerstone of the Republican education agenda.
It is based on a simple concept: schools must be transparent with parents and families. The COVID-19 pandemic introduced at-home virtual learning on an unprecedented scale. For the first time, many parents saw what teachers and school districts were pushing in classrooms; parents were outraged.

Schools stonewalled parents who expressed concern and parents demanded answers. Schools refused to introduce adequate levels of transparency on curricula or school budgets. Parents who voiced concerns at school board meetings were labeled "domestic terrorists." One Rhode Island mother was threatened with a lawsuit for requesting her child's lesson plan. This is unacceptable.

Addressing learning loss is also a major Republican priority. Democrats kowtowed to teachers unions and encouraged school closures despite enormous and well-understood risks. The results have been catastrophic. The latest National Assessment of Educational Progress report states that the average scores for 9-year-olds in 2022 declined five points in reading and seven points in mathematics compared to 2020. These precipitous drops in scores were easily preventable, but Democrats refused to see reason; thankfully, Republicans are committed to seeing students catch up-and excel.

Every child should have the opportunity to succeed. The results of school choice are irrefutable: students feel safer, academic performance improves, and college admissions rates skyrocket. The education bureaucracy should not be able to trap families in failing schools because of their ZIP code. Republicans are committed to seeing every child have the opportunity to succeed; amplifying parents' voices and expanding educational freedom are fundamentally important in protecting those opportunities.

Protecting the integrity of women's sports. Allowing a biological male-who identifies as female-to compete against women creates an unfair playing field and erases decades of progress made by female athletes. Furthermore, the administration's radical rewrite of Title IX threatens to force women to share private spaces, such as locker rooms, with transgender male athletes. Republicans' Commitment to America will ensure that only women can compete against women. This will protect the integrity of women's sports and defend the legacy-and future-of women's athletic competition.

BOTTOM LINE: The Republican Commitment to America will restore the prestige of America's education system, empower parents, and protect Title IX. One-party Democrat rule put teachers unions and a progressive agenda ahead of families. When Republicans earn back the House in November, parents will finally have an ally in Washington, and students will have the chance to thrive.