WDFW - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

10/04/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/04/2022 11:35

WDFW, DNR invite proposals for $9 million in projects to preserve and restore Puget Sound habitat

Oct 4, 2022

Contacts: Jennifer Griffiths, WDFW, 360-706-4302
Devan Rostorfer, DNR, 360-870-7158
Media Contacts: WDFW, Eryn Couch, 360-890-6604
DNR, Joe Smillie, 360-688-3392

The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead anticipates awarding up to $9,000,000 for proposals ranging from $200,000 to $800,000, for work lasting 2 to 4 years. Photo by Alan Bauer.

Proposals due Dec. 6

OLYMPIA - The Washington departments of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Natural Resources (DNR) are accepting proposals for up to $9 million in funding for projects that advance Puget Sound habitat recovery. Proposals are due Dec. 6.

"This investment is a big step forward in advancing our collective vision for a healthy Puget Sound," said Jennifer Griffiths, Ph.D., WDFW Habitat Strategic Initiative Policy Lead. "We're thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity alongside DNR to better support Puget Sound habitat protection and restoration. We look forward to seeing everyone's ideas on how to leverage this investment."

"We are excited to fund a variety of work to protect and restore habitat in Puget Sound. For this funding round, we hope to receive larger-scale proposals that can be implemented over four years," said Devan Rostorfer, DNR Habitat Strategic Initiative Policy Lead. "Proposals developed by coalitions of partners that will generate multiple benefits are encouraged."

The departments are inviting applicants to a virtual webinar on Oct. 17, 2022, from 1 to 3 p.m. to share information about the application process and elements of a successful application.

Interested applicants can find more information about the solicitation, how to join the upcoming virtual webinar, and steps to apply on the Puget Sound National Estuary Program website.

This winter, the Departments will review submitted applications in consultation with policy professionals and subject matter experts from the Puget Sound recovery community. The departments will announce selected projects in late Feb. 2023.

Funding for the projects comes from the Environmental Protection Agency's Puget Sound Geographic Program through the Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead (HSIL), a partnership between WDFW and DNR to preserve and restore Puget Sound habitat through strategic planning, funding, outreach and collaboration.

Investment priorities were developed in partnership with an advisory team and include changing planning paradigms, enabling project development and readiness, encouraging behavior change, strengthening regulatory support, and increasing information and evaluation necessary for habitat planning, policy, implementation and decision-making.

Created in 2016, the HSIL implements the Puget Sound Action Agenda through stewarding and investing in the Habitat Implementation Strategies. HSIL is one of three Puget Sound strategic initiatives, which also include the Stormwater and Shellfish Strategic Initiatives.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.
DNR manages 1,300 miles of trails and 160-plus recreation sites in 3 million acres of working forest state trust lands and 97 natural areas. DNR trust lands provide clean water, and generate revenue for public services and school construction. DNR also oversees 2.6 million acres of state aquatic lands, rule administration for 12 million forested acres, the Washington Geological Survey and wildland firefighting across 13 million acres of forestland.