Illinois House Republicans

02/21/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 02/21/2024 15:27

Severin Opposes Pritzker’s Plan to Spend Hundreds of Millions More on Illegal Immigrants

Severin Opposes Pritzker's Plan to Spend Hundreds of Millions More on Illegal Immigrants

February 21, 2024

SPRINGFIELD, IL…..State Rep. Dave Severin says he is disappointed in the priorities outlined in Governor JB Pritzker's annual Budget and State of the State Address delivered to a joint session of the Illinois legislature. Gov. Pritzker proposed spending additional hundreds of millions of dollars for the housing and health care of illegal immigrants being housed in the Sanctuary City of Chicago.

"Illinoisans are struggling under the weight of high taxes and the high cost of living," Severin said. "Prioritizing spending billions of dollars on illegal immigrants that are here because of our state's sanctuary state and sanctuary city policies is wrong. Between last year, this year, and the proposal for the coming year, Illinois taxpayers will foot the bill for $2 billion in spending on illegal immigrants. Our citizens are not able to afford any more of this."

Severin says reforms to the budgeting process must take place to restore the public's faith and trust in Illinois government.

"In recent years, supermajority Democrats have unfortunately gone behind closed doors, negotiated budgets in secret, and dropped spending plans on lawmakers on the last day of the Session," Severin said. "This has meant hardly anyone has been able to read and understand hundreds of pages containing billions in spending. It's a shame, and our citizens deserve better than what they've gotten from Democrats so far."

"Inflation and the cost of living is too high, energy prices are too high, and taxes are too high," Severin said. "Our working families and individuals are paying the second-highest property taxes in the country. Our businesses are paying the 3rd highest corporate taxes in the country. People can't afford any more. We must cut spending, provide permanent tax relief for citizens and business, and prioritize the care of Illinois citizens over illegal immigrants. I will continue to call for these changes as budget negotiations continue throughout the remainder of the legislative Session."
