Shoalhaven City Council

02/04/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 02/03/2025 18:03

Feedback sought on draft PoMs for parks and sportsgrounds

Published on 04 February 2025

The community is invited to provide feedback on two draft documents that will help guide how hundreds of local sportsgrounds and parks are used into the future.

In the Shoalhaven there are 577 parks on land owned or managed by Shoalhaven City Council. 35 are located on Crown Land Reserves, while 542 are Council-owned sites. Of the local sportsgrounds in the city, 11 exist on Crown Land Reserves and 124 are owned by Council.

Council is required under the NSW Local Government Act 1993 to adopt and maintain Plans of Management (PoM) for Crown Reserves and Council-owned land under its control that is classified as Community Land.

Council is currently reviewing its PoMs for parks and sportsgrounds, to outline permissible uses of the sites, and ensure they are managed in line with community expectations.

Community feedback is being sought on the draft PoMs until 3 March 2025.

The PoMs will be reviewed every five years following their adoption.

To have your say, visit Council's Get Involved website.

Separately, Council has now received approval from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to adopt its Plan of Management for General Community Use land.

The PoM sets out use objectives for 34 Crown Land and 274 Council owned sites.

The community was invited to have its say on the draft document in June last year.