10/01/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/01/2025 02:15
Carmelo Cuffari, M.D., the new director of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Program at Children's National Hospital is a pediatric gastroenterologist with over 25 years of expertise in managing children and adolescents with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. His areas of research include drug development and the pharmacology and genomics of immunomodulatory drugs in inflammatory bowel disease and in transplantation.
Here, Dr. Cuffari tells us more about the program he is leading and what it means for the future of pediatric IBD patients at Children's National.
Q: What are some of the most valuable changes or advancements for the program you hope to see in the next couple of years?
A: In my position as director of IBD, Children's National supports my goals for the program which include:
Q: What makes the IBD at Children's National unique from other programs in the country?
A: We have the unique possibility of developing a colorectal team with our surgical colleagues. This level of collaboration is unique and is a function of our division being under the department of pediatric surgery.
Q: Where do you see research in IBD going in the next few years?
A: There are many areas of exciting growth in research. The areas I am most excited about include: