Barbara Lee

07/28/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/28/2021 20:06

Chairwoman Barbara Lee Applauds Passage of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Spending Bill


Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13), Chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, applauded the passage of H.R. 4373, The State, Foreign, Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act. In total, the bill provides $62.24 billion in funding for State Department, USAID, and related programs - an increase of $6.737 billion above the FY 2021 enacted level and an overall increase of 12%.

'As we continue to fight a global pandemic on top of a climate and poverty crisis, it is more important than ever that we invest in humanitarian assistance and addressing human needs,' said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. 'I'm proud to have fought for increased funding of $10.6 billion for global health and the prevention of future pandemics through improving the surveillance, detection, and response capabilities for developing countries along with increasing investments in childhood vaccinations, maternal health, tuberculosis, and HIV to aid their recovery from pandemic setbacks.This bill also makes critical investments in addressing HIV/AIDS around the globe, including $6.08 billion in PEPFAR and $1.56 billion for the Global Fund.

'This bill also addresses migration, refugee and disaster assistance and continues our support for key allies and partner organizations such as the United Nations. Additionally, this funding will help us continue our efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, including eliminating extreme poverty, achieving an AIDS free generation and supporting efforts to build inclusive, equitable and accountable societies for everyone.

'I am particularly pleased that this bill includes a 25% increase over last year's enacted amount for the Caribbean - including $10 million specifically for new projects to promote inclusive economic growth. The islands of the Caribbean represent America's third border and I am proud that we share a vibrant cultural, social and economic bond.

'In our global recovery efforts, it is also critically important that we support women's health. For the first time in a decade, this bill increases funding for bilateral family planning to $760 million and more than doubles our contribution to UNFPA. I am especially proud to have fought for the elimination of Helms?Amendment?restrictions that have prohibited safe abortion and health care services for people in low-income countries for decades.

'Crucially, this bill also helps ensure that our nation's diplomatic and development workforce reflects the diversity of the American people by increasing funding, authority, and guidance to equip the Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to increase diversity and inclusion in the nation's international affairs workforce.

'Overall, we've made remarkable strides in this year's appropriations bill to reverse the devastating consequences of the last administration's foreign policy failures by restoring American credibility and leadership on the world stage. It's no easy task, but this bill makes unequivocal commitments to improving the lives and livelihoods of millions of people around the world.'

'President Biden has made it clear that America is back. The State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs funding bill puts those words into action. It makes America stronger at home and respected again in the world. It restores American leadership by responding to global health threats, including the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. And it addresses urgent humanitarian needs while confronting the climate crisis,' Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) said. 'With this bill, we are proving that America is back and ready to confront the biggest challenges facing our nation and world. I thank Chairwoman Lee and every Member of the Appropriations Committee for their leadership and I look forward to getting this legislation passed into law.'

Specifically, H.R. 4373 includes funding to:

  • Confront the climate crisisby providing $3 billion for work on climate change and includes the first direct appropriation for the Green Climate Fund, a $1.6 billion investment.
  • Provides Bilateral Economic and Global Health Assistance- The bill contains a total of $29.625 billion for bilateral economic assistance to foreign countries - an increase of $3.14 billion from the fiscal year 2021 enacted level. In addition, the total includes $6.410 billion to fight HIV/AIDS around the globe.
  • Addresses HIV/AIDS around the globe by investing$6.08 billion in PEPFAR, including $1.56 billion for the Global Fund - $150 million more than the fiscal year 2021 enacted level and the President's budget request.
  • Support the displaced and vulnerable by investing $4.7 billion in International Disaster Assistance, run by USAID, and $3.8 billion for Migration and Refugee Assistance, managed by the State Department.
  • Promote diversity and inclusionby increasing funding, authority, and guidance to equip the Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to increase diversity and inclusion in the nation's diplomatic and development workforce.
  • Rebuild public health infrastructure with $10.6 billion to support the health of families and communities around the world and $1 billion for global health security to prevent future pandemics.
  • Advance women's rightsthrough $760 million for family planning and $70 million for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and repeals restrictions that block women around the world from accessing safe and legal abortion.

A detailed summary of the legislation is available here.