NCTA – The Internet & Television Association

11/29/2022 | Press release | Archived content

Statement of NCTA – The Internet & Television Association Regarding Introduction of the Rural Internet Improvement Act of 2022

"We applaud the work of Senators John Thune, Ben Ray Luján, Amy Klobuchar, and Deb Fischer to introduce legislation focused on helping broadband reach more Americans. The Rural Internet Improvement Act of 2022 would replace existing programs with a revised ReConnect program that would enhance participation and results, so that more communities can be connected to broadband even faster. Most significantly, this bill would direct funding for network expansion to areas where at least 90% of households lack access to broadband, and encourage reliance on applicants with demonstrated experience constructing and operating broadband networks in order to promote network construction that is on budget and on time. These are solid improvements to the current program that should be adopted as part of next year's Farm Bill. Deploying robust, affordable high-speed broadband to all Americansis a key priority for cable providers, so we look forward to working with members on passage of this legislation."


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Brian Dietz
Senior Vice President Strategic Communications
[email protected]


Joy Sims
Vice President
Strategic Communications
[email protected]

Phone: 202-222-2350

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