Agea International AD Podgorica

08/01/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/01/2023 04:43

HINWEIS: Mitteilung an die Aktionäre zur Zahlung von Dividenden

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"AGEA INTERNATIONAL" - joint-stock company - Podgorica, with corporate seat in Podgorica, Arsenija Boljevića, Business City 2A, PIB 02771896 ("Company"), represented by Nikolina Dabetić, liquidator hereby informs its shareholders that the Assembly of Shareholders of the Company at the session held on July 28, 2023 adopted the Decision on the payment of the Company's dividends for the year 2022, by which it was decided that a part of the achieved net comprehensive result for the year 2022 will be allocated for the payment of dividends to the Company's shareholders in the gross value of EUR 0.3 per share.

The dividend payment will be paid to the shareholders of the Company who, on the day of the adoption of the Decision on the payment of the Company's dividends for 2022, were registered as shareholders of the Company with the Central Clearing Depository Company a.d. Podgorica, within 30 days after the submission of information on the transactional account for the payment of dividends and proof of shareholder identification.

Shareholders of the Company who are on July 28, 2023 were registered as shareholders of the Company at the Central Clearing Depository Company a.d. Podgorica, in order to collect the dividend, are invited to deliver the following:

Natural persons from Montenegro
- a copy of an identification document (identity card or passport);
- number of the transactional account to which the dividend will be paid;

Natural persons from abroad
- a copy of the passport;
- instructions for conducting an international payment transaction (address of the recipient, name and address of the bank, SWIFT and IBAN;
- certificate of residence or other appropriate document certified by the competent authority.

The above can be delivered via:
- mail to the address: AGEA International AD, Business City, Arsenija Boljevića 2a, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro;
- or directly to the Company's office.

Shareholders who do not submit the necessary documentation for the payment of the dividend will not be able to be paid the dividend and the Company bears no responsibility or obligation in this regard.

For any additional information, shareholders of AGEA International AD can contact the contact phone number +382 20 664 320 or the e-mail address: [email protected].

31 July 2023
Nikolina Dabetić

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