12/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/09/2024 18:18
The City of Santa Fe Water Department will host public meetings on Dec. 12 at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. in the Coronado Room of the Santa Fe Convention Center to introduce the new STEWaRDS model of the city water system.
The presentation will also be recorded and made available on the city's website.
Santa Fe has invested in technical tools that include advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) meters, the EyeOnWater app, the City Water Resources indicator, STEWaRDS model of water system, and the city's Demand and Water Resources dashboards.
These tools create transparency in water usage and will be used to help guide water planning efforts in a new way. They also allow for comprehensive supply, demand, and vulnerability scenarios to be run to inform the city's future water resources planning.
Looking to the future, this investment in technology will ensure that regional resources co-managed by Santa Fe Water and related city departments are sustainable and secure.
A series of community presentations are scheduled to provide constituents input at key junctures that will inform the long-range planning process.
The initial presentation will showcase the STEWaRDS model, which can simulate the city's water system, run what-if simulations, and determine vulnerabilities relative to climate change or demand. The STEWaRDS model will be presented by Steve Shultz, who is a Water Resource Coordinator with the Water Division.
Click here for more information about the city's water supply.