PT XL Axiata Tbk

01/20/2023 | Press release | Archived content

Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh Celebrations XL Axiata Network Ready to Face Traffic Surge in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta

XL Axiata has prepared a larger network capacity. There is a possibility of a spike in traffic during the Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh celebrations which will be higher than last year, considering that the government has lifted the restriction policy related to the pandemic.
Semarang, 20 January 2023. PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) ensures that networks throughout the Province of Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta are ready to face the possibility of a spike in traffic during the Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh holidays which will take place soon. XL Axiata estimates that there will be a spike in data traffic of more than 3% compared to normal days. This increase in traffic is predicted to occur in several cities with the largest concentration of Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh celebrations in Semarang, Solo and Yogyakarta.

Acting Group Head of XL Axiata for the Central Region area, Arif Farhan Budiyanto, said, "Last year there was still a pandemic, traffic increased. Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh, especially in Semarang, always get a warm welcome from the Chinese community. Thousands of people celebrated the two big days. For this reason, we will prepare an adequate network."

According to Arif, even though the increase in traffic will not be as big as Eid ul-Fitr or Christmas and New Year and will also be more concentrated in a few cities, XL Axiata is still preparing a larger network capacity. More traffic increases will occur in data services, while the potential increase in voice traffic will not be too big. Streaming services are generally predicted to experience an increase in traffic. In addition, services such as video calls, web browsing and instant messaging (IM) will also experience an increase because usually at this moment many people will convey their holiday greetings.

During the Chinese New Year celebrations later, XL Axiata will pay full attention to network quality in a number of residential areas, crowded centres, such as shopping centres, terminals and airports. XL Axiata has also prepared 13 mobile BTS (MBTS) units to ensure network performance in a number of locations.

XL Axiata's quality data network in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta is supported by more than 16 thousand BTS, including more than 10 thousand 4G BTS. To anticipate the increase in traffic for Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh celebrations, XL Axiata has increased its network capacity which is larger than normal days. XL Axiata's data services in Greater Semarang are supported by more than 1,900 4G BTS, while in Greater Solo there are more than 2,200 4G BTS, and Special Region of Yogyakarta more than 1,700 4G BTS.

Meanwhile, to serve customers who need service support during Chinese New Year celebrations, XL Axiata's customer service team is also ready. Customers can contact the call centre staff 24 hours a day, via 817, 818 and 838 as well as digital-based service channels namely @myXLCare for Twitter and Facebook Page, live chat at, and email [email protected]. For axis card customers, you can also go through @ask_AXIS for Twitter, live chat at email [email protected].